Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The journey.........

I'm sitting here in a hotel room in southern Indiana, watching TV, and chilling out after driving nearly 8 hours on Interstate 64! Another 8 hours are in front of me tomorrow.

I'm starting to experience culture shock. After parking the u-haul truck, I decided to walk around the area where the hotel is, where there are a lot of shops and restaurants...but no sidewalks. So, I got some interesting looks from people IN THEIR CARS. No one is walking around....everyone is driving.

Then I've seen the 'large' people in the U.S.....and there are many of them. Wow, I am really shocked by just how many and how much they can eat as I observed them at a restaurant. Interesting. People are loud too....quite loud. All of this is very interesting for me. Sorry, no pix yet, but I have some good ones from the road!

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