Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Endorsement for my book, The Senders

My precious friend and sister in the Lord, Linda Valen, of Master Potter Ministries, has written a wonderful endorsement for my book, The Senders.

The Senders

By Arden Czaszewicz

Endorsement by Linda Valen

The Senders is a unique approach to missions that peers into the hearts and minds of those who pray and give to missionaries! We tend to focus on the heroes who have left everything to live in a different culture, walk by faith, and are called to preach the Gospel. But who thinks about the often unsung heroes behind the scenes who help to send missionaries through their financial gifts and prayers? What motivates them to give and why and what do they value as The Senders? This is a must read book for anyone raising finances and prayer support to do missions work! It reveals many keys that are shared through the eyes of those who help to make mission work possible! Some of you may become The Senders after reading this book because your heart has been impacted and challenged. It is well worth your time to read this engaging book to find out what makes these valuable partners do what they do and why!

Linda Valen

Ministry Director

Master Potter Ministries

I encourage you to get your copy today by following THIS LINK

Monday, March 26, 2012

Power in a name

Have some fun with me for a minute or two. First, I want you to think of the name of someone you know well. It might be a friend, doesn't really matter except that you know the person fairly well. Now, when you say that person's name or hear that person's name, what comes to your mind? Take a second and just list in your mind all the things that pop into your mind connected with that person.

As an example, I am thinking of my good friend, MJ (If you are reading this, MJ, enjoy). The first things that come to mind, after the smile on my face, are huge hugs, laughter, a good friend who is always wanting to know how others are doing, one who is more concerned about others and their walks with the Lord than she is about herself, a true "momma-figure", generous, kind, fun and funny, faithful, hard-working, caring, loving, etc.

Do the same with the person that comes to your mind.

Now, let me toss out a name to you for you to consider....ready?

Silvia Tapp.

What comes to your mind? Do you know her? What can you say about her? How has she impacted your life? What are the ways she has influenced you or been a friend to you, motivated you or encouraged you?

I would hazard a guess to say that not one of my blog readers has a clue who this person, Silvia Tapp, is. I don't even know who she is! I made up the name myself and personally, have no connection with any Silvia Tapp and consequently, no response like I had above regarding my friend, MJ.

Now, let me toss out these names and see what comes to mind:

Adolph Hitler

Bill Clinton

Margaret Thatcher

Jennifer Lopez

I believe each of us has certain perceptions or ideas that pop into our minds and hearts at the mention of these people's names, and whether positive or negative, each of them carries some sort of meaning, some sort of power to them which affects us whether we want to admit it or not.

Where am I going with this? I was reading in my Bible this morning, John chapter 18. I will quote here the relevant text:

"Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, 'Whom are you seeking?' They answered Him, 'Jesus of Nazareth.' Jesus said to them, 'I am He.' And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. Now when (Jesus) said to them, 'I am He,' they drew back and fell to the ground." (verses4-6), (emphasis mine).

I was struck this morning in a new and fresh way of the power in a name. Quite possibly, some of the soldiers who came out with Judas had either seen Jesus or heard about Him in the previous three years. Quite likely, there were many things disseminated about Him that were true as well as falsehoods. The significance in this passage is both Who Jesus is and the power of the name that He carries.

The soldiers are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, and Jesus responds with "I am He", the same words used by God with Moses on the mountain when He gave Moses his marching orders to return to Egypt and free God's people: "Tell them I Am has sent you."

Indeed, there is power in the name of Jesus...but the power lies in the reality that He is the great "I Am", God incarnate, and at the mention of His name, the soldiers who had come to arrest him "drew back and fell to the ground." (v.6). Why would strong, mighty, armed soldiers, on a mission to arrest some random teacher/preacher man, some rabble-rouser, some guy who was stirring up people, why would these mighty men of battle draw back and fall to the ground upon hearing, "I Am He"? Both WHO He was (and is) and the authority that He carried as the incarnate manifestation of the great I AM packed power as He spoke. This is the same I AM who spoke and everything came into being, so of course, in declaring His true identity, He causes even the strongest amongst us to draw back and fall to the ground.

We sang a worship song yesterday, part of which says: "There is power in the name of Jesus, there is power, in the name of Jesus, to break every chain, break every chain, break every chain." Clearly, in this passage in the Gospel of John, the name of Jesus has power. Those soldiers may not have known in the moment exactly who they were dealing with, who they were arresting because they had not been with Him, they'd not befriended Him, they'd not listened to His heart, they'd not seen His life, felt His love, experienced His grace and mercy, walked beside Him or shared a meal with Him...yet still, they felt and responded to the power of the name as it was spoken.

If we followers of Jesus, who, according to Scripture have the fullness of God dwelling in us through the Holy Spirit, knew the authority that we carry in Him, can you imagine what could happen for the glory of God to be revealed in the earth? If the love of the Father was manifest in us as Jesus prayed just 6 verses before those I quoted above saying, "And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You (Father) loved Me (Jesus), may be in them, and I in them." (John 17:26) THIS was the pinnacle of Jesus' heart...that the LOVE of the Father would be in believers and that Jesus Himself would be IN them, so that the same life-giving power would flow through us to everyone around us.

Now that's a walk with Jesus every believer needs to grab a hold of, and it's in that intimate, knowing and being known relationship with God Himself, in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. And when we know Him in that way, then He can pour through us, and when people hear the name "Arden Czaszewicz", they will say, "She carries the love of the Father, the grace, mercy, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, long-suffering, and power. She smells just like Jesus."

But what about my non-believing readers? What is your perception of Jesus? What pops into your mind when you hear His name? Why? Do you really know Him?

Jesus was the vessel of the Father's love and the very essence of the Father Himself, saying, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." How amazing, church, if the same could be said of us.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


A work in progress....

....and the finished product, along with our peach tree!

I am finding that projects are so much more fun to do with another person...namely a husband! ;-)

This year, we decided to expand our garden, realizing that last year we lost some yummy veggies to critters, which meant building some sort of barrier. In addition, we decided we needed to have a fruit tree, and agreed on a peach tree. So, that's what you see in the picture. While we won't be able to harvest the peaches this year, it's such a great picture of investing into the future and the next generations...hmmm, could that be a Kingdom value?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Expanded garden!

Our wonderful Swiss neighbor and friend, Jonny, helped Paul put together the garden frame! We could not have done it without him!

A work in progress!

Love our local rental place where we got the roto-tiller. :-)

It was a bit chilly the day we tilled up the yard. Here are Paul and Jonny teaming up to cut deep into the soil for the garden bed!

Jonny examining the finished product! Now for soil, then the deer and critter fence must go up!

Gardening! I watched my father spend hours in the garden as we were growing up, bringing in fresh veggies every evening for dinner and thought, "Someday, I want to have a garden too!"

I've had one the past three years here in KC. It started out as a 10'x18' plot the first year, grew another 9' the second year, and finally, this year, it is a whopping 27 x 20' garden plot. Paul and I are so excited to grow, grow, grow this year! Our dirt will be delivered today, and planting will start very soon as we need to get cold crops in the ground!

With food prices increasing almost weekly, it's nice to know that we will be saving lots of money and eating nutritious food!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Weekend in Chicago

Family portrait at The Bean!

Do you see the message to the left of Paul's ear? :-)

From the John Hancock Tower!

What a treat!

So fun to take a "reflection" picture in The Bean!

We were so blessed to share a special weekend with some very special friends of ours. Jonny, Maria, Jamie, Alisha and Matea are a precious family from Switzerland who live just two houses away from us here in Kansas City. Since Paul is from Chicago, we decided to organize a trip together for a long weekend, showing our friends the big city. We enjoyed ourselves so much and have built a life-long friendship with these precious ones!

Friday, March 02, 2012

From 70 degrees to snowing in less than 24 hours!

My post was going to be about something else, but as I just this second looked outside and saw snowflakes, I pitched my other idea. Yesterday, I was sitting outside on my back deck basking in 70 degree heat. Right now, it's snowing! Go figure!