Monday, July 13, 2009

American pace of life....

I knew life in the U.S. was fast-paced, but I'm plumb worn out. Of course much of it is due to wanting/needing to get the house in some semblance of order and looking/feeling like a home. But it is definitely amazing to see just how busy people's days are here.

I splurged today...I got one of my Switzerland pictures blown up...I want to frame it and hang it on a wall. I thought I could unframe one of my pictures, which I proceeded to do, but the new pic didn't fit. :-( Then, as I was trying to put the old pic back, the glass broke. :-( So, now it is hanging glassless on the wall. Let's see who notices. :-)

I went to an American icon today...TARGET...oh and Wal-Mart too! I kept asking myself: "Is this a need or a want? Is this a need or a want?" So, I got only needs and yet the bill was HIGH. Yikes! Oh, I did get one 'want'....a DVD/CD player. The house has been rather quiet without any TV or laptop speakers are not doing so well these days. Quiet is a good thing, but I'm looking forward to being able to chill out in the evening and watch a movie. :-)

More culture shock....perfect strangers catch your eye in the store and say, "Hello!" Cashiers at the check-out speak with you and make comments about the things you are buying. Distances are HUGE!

Off to bed...........I'm beat!

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