Friday, January 27, 2012


Because we have become so familiar with the story of Jesus' last week on this planet before His resurrection, we can be lulled into a sort of complacency when it comes to the time we are currently living in. Let's take a different approach for just a moment. Let's try to put ourselves in the shoes of Jesus' disciples:

They'd been with him day in and day out for three solid years. He'd taught them truths of the Kingdom, including the fact that he would be handed over to the authorities, beaten, mocked, hung on a tree, and then, three days later, he would rise from the dead. I sometimes wonder if in their heart of hearts, most of the disciples listened to Jesus and sort of shook their heads and beneath their breaths whispered something like, "Yea, sure, Jesus; that's not 'really' how it's going to happen because you are far to important and what we've got going here is huge, so this catastrophic stuff you are talking about can't really happen. We'll figure this out and everything will work out just fine!"

Suddenly, in the midst of prayer in a quiet place on a mountain side in an olive grove, troops arrive with swords in hand and torches. The disciples' worlds were turned upside-down (even in spite of Jesus' repeated warnings) and most of them fled in fear. Their lives as they knew them up to that point were transformed in an instant, and everything they knew to be true appeared to be twisted around and against them...even in spite of Jesus' gentle instructions all along. Quite literally, their lives would never be the same, and they never were.

After fleeing, they hide away, and when confronted by the loving, living, resurrected Jesus, life would never be the same! It was glorious and gut-wrenching all at the same time. One day highly regarded and the next hunted down to be killed. Sometimes living in plenty and other times in want, but never forsaken.

Gee, today things are not much different, and in fact, I propose that we are on the brink of such a cataclysmic change in our lives and society, on nearly the same level, albeit different in many ways too, as that time in history. Life has been pretty good for most of us in the U.S. and developed parts of the world for decades, and it's only in the last decade, and especially in the last 4 years, that the crumbling has begun. Now we are seeing signs of serious crumbling, serious collapse, not just here but world-wide. Lest I be a doom-sayer, which I never want to be, let's focus on the end of the story back then and now.

Jesus rose triumphantly from the grave, defeating death forever and making a way for every person to enter into Kingdom reality forever! Hallelujah! That same Jesus is coming back to rule and to reign with His church! Hallelujah! Back then, there were three full days of challenge and despair. And because a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day according to the Bible, are we not in our "three days" of challenge? What does it mean for us, the bride of Christ, as we look to the one who promised never to leave us or forsake us?

Well, we can, like some people back then, put our heads in the sand and not face reality, thinking we're just fine and life continues as usual. Or we can worry and fret, wondering and becoming anxious. Or, we can use the God-given wisdom we have been given and are being given daily and prepare our hearts, minds, bodies and lives for those very challenging "three days" during which many will be offended, and others will shine like stars in the night, bringing hope and life to everyone around them.

Life is not normal these days...we all know that; so what will you do? To whom will you turn? In whom do you trust? The Faithful One will never fail you; listen to what He is whispering to your heart in this season, and obey without hesitation!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No "Duck and Hide" in the Kingdom of God!

In these turbulent times of global unrest, our flesh screams out: "Duck and hide, duck and hide; buckle down, turn inward, secure oneself and shut the doors."

Scripture shows a different approach, or at the very least gives us a picture of what it looks like to "duck and hide". Most of the great leaders in the Scriptures were tempted to "duck and hide", from Moses to Peter and others in between. One in the Old Testament who could have done this and been "justified" in human eyes is Joseph.

Sold into slavery by his own brothers, he rose to a powerful position in the kingdom and then was falsely accused and tossed into prison for years. In the dark times, enclosed by prison walls, he could have fallen into self-pity and nurtured a heart of vengeance toward both family and captors, but instead, he allowed the grace of God to massage his heart so that it was pliable enough to hear God's voice speak about the coming years and the great famine that would strike the land, causing much turmoil and turbulence, spanning nations.

What a divine set-up. Joseph, had he succumbed to an orphan spirit and nurtured a victim mentality, could have been the poster-child for "duck and hide" in the Old Testament. Entrusted with knowledge and wisdom from on high, from God Himself, he cried out to the God of the universe to guide his footsteps during the six years prior to the seventh year of world-wide famine. His vision was greater than himself; his vision was for a long-way out; his vision was, what I like to call a both/and vision: both for himself and his loved ones AND for others who would be in need.

Most of us know the end of that story: Joseph had wisely prepared, stored up food and water for six years because he'd been warned by the Lord that a year of famine was coming. His aim was not self-preservation, but with a heart for his adopted people, and little did he know, for his own family as well, a test he would later pass with flying colors.

To the untrained eye, Joseph would have appeared to be a fanatic; I can almost hear the comments now:

"We are the wealthiest nation on the planet! Why are you worried about the future?"

"We've never encountered hard times where there is no food or water, and we are so advanced that we will be able to figure out a solution should something like that ever take place."

"Why prepare for something so far in the future? You are walking in fear; where is your faith?"

"We have everything and have no need; look at our shelves; they are packed full and we will be fine because we always have been."

Even as I write these imaginary comments which could have been uttered by the citizens in that day, I smile because I've heard similar statements made by my fellow Americans, and even those in other nations, believers no less, even amid the growing, clearly seen evidence that things are unraveling around the world.

Joseph was not living in fear during those six years. In fact, I would contend that he was living in the greatest level of faith in his life during those years of painstakingly and carefully planning and storing supplies for the coming seventh year of famine. His actions, from a fleshly perspective, could have been seen as a "duck and hide" mentality, but in reality, they were the farthest from that bent. He heard the word of the Lord, he sought His wisdom, and while everything around him "appeared" to speak otherwise (abundant wealth, luxurious crops and livestock), he clung to God's voice and walked in extreme faith and obedience, preparing to be a provider of his nation and those who would come from other nations!!!

In the end, God is glorified. We often bring up Joseph and prophecy to people that they are "Josephs", and rightly so, but in reality, what Joseph did was purely out of obedience to God Himself and brought glory to God who is the provider and the reconciler. As the story goes, Joseph's brothers travel from a long distance to speak with the king about receiving provision, and are ushered into the presence of their brother, whom they do not recognize, but he knows them.

Here is the true test for Joseph: How will he respond? Will the leading of the Lord guide his decisions, or will he listen and obey? Will the people's criticisms of him and his preparations over-rule the Lord's clear directive and cause him to walk in a spirit of fear and as an orphan rather than as a son? Will he choose the path of love and humility and provide for those who have hurt him the most, or will he exact vengeance?

Those same questions face each of us today. First, what is our relationship with the living God? Do we know His voice? Are we gripped by His love for us and for others? Are we heeding His directives both in the natural and in our walks with Him in the Spirit which will impact the natural for us and for others? Are we seeing a long way out through His eyes, with eyes and ears toward loving Him and loving our neighbor, both today and when times get more challenging.

None of us knows how difficult things will become; those of us who are followers of Jesus know a little bit, and we know the end of the story, which is glorious beyond compare. However, there are challenging times between now and then, the likes of which none of us has ever experienced. As He did with Joseph of old, God is speaking to His children today, pouring out His wisdom, love and guidance both for us, for others and ultimately, for His glory as the great harvest of souls into His Kingdom unfolds.

God spoke clearly to Joseph; how is He speaking to you through the Holy Spirit? What is He declaring that you should do in the natural to be a vessel of His love toward others in the coming days, weeks, months and years? God healed Joseph's heart through this preparation time so that he could be a blessing to his brothers who betrayed him both in the natural and spiritually through the greatest God-given gift of all: reconciliation.

God is giving us, as His children, the opportunity to walk like Josephs in our spheres of influence, with the aim of living in faith, hearing His voice and obeying his directives so that we can be instruments of reconciling people to their savior, Jesus Christ. How is He asking you to prepare, both in the natural and in the Spirit?

I believe there are literal Josephs on the planet who will be feeding cities and nations. I also believe there are "mini-Josephs" who will be feeding and providing for families and neighbors as the salt and light needs to go forth to the corners of the globe. I truly did not intend for this blog post to be a plug for Thrive Foods and Shelf Reliance
but now I see the connection. I would be remiss if I, as a follower of Jesus, did not present an opportunity to readers out there to prepare to be either literal "big" Josephs or "mini-Josephs" through this link above.

Let us walk in God's perfect love, not in fear, but rather living in faith that He is pouring out His wisdom to us, in advance, to bring glory to His name through provision and the means to live out the message of reconciliation in practical ways. Feel free to email me at and ask more questions or place an order on my website above.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband, Paul Czaszewicz!

Forty-nine years ago today, a bundle of joy graced the Czaszewicz home on the south-east side of Chicago, bringing joy, peace and happiness to his parents!

Today, I get to celebrate my amazing husband!

Happy Birthday, Paul!
I love you so much,
And I thank God for you!

May the peace that only HE can give
be in you and flow through you

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paul got a job! :-)

Nearly every night on the news we hear about unemployment and the staggering numbers of people who are out of jobs. Those stories are followed by reports of major companies closing or moving which will put even more people out of work in the coming days, weeks and months. It's in these times that we give thanks, with humble hearts for the wonderful job that God has provided for Paul!

He started yesterday, teaching in a charter school here in Kansas City. After one day, he really seems to love it, and both of us are so thankful to God for His perfect provision in this season in our lives.

We were reminded, though, of the fact that God is good no matter what; so we stand in humility, realizing that the Lord has called him to this place for His purposes!

Blessings upon and thanks to all of you who prayed! God heard and answered! Glory to Him alone!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods - Kansas City, MO (Missouri) | 816-519-8949

I'm trying out yet another avenue to get the word out to everyone about a great company that provides delicious food and quality emergency supplies! Check it out and pass it along to those you know!

Shelf Reliance and Thrive Foods - Kansas City, MO (Missouri) | 816-519-8949

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Monday, January 09, 2012

2012 and food prices

Our church family started a Daniel fast on January 1 of this year. It's a 21-day, no meats, sweets or dairy fast, just like Daniel did as recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Last weekend, Paul and I ventured to the store to shop for our fruits and veggies...and wow, the ticket-shock was on high-alert! I'm sure everyone is noticing the increase in prices of produce...not to mention other foods! It's amazing how much "less important" that big screen TV or even that new pair of jeans becomes when you have to shift your budget to accommodate higher food prices, because in reality, food is just a bit more important! ;-)

To that end, yes, I am advertising here, I want to encourage you, rather strongly, actually, to pray about and seriously consider investing NOW in long-term food storage that actually tastes AMAZINGLY GOOD! Click HERE to link to my website where you can order yourself, or contact me if you have questions. I've been doing this now for about 6 months and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the food!

In addition, they have other GREAT products, from shelving to store the food, to emergency packs to water filters!

So, as times grow increasingly challenging economically, and the nations of the world seem to be spinning out of control, why not take some of that hard earned money you have and INVEST in your family with good food!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Human Trafficking

Here are some statistics that might shock some of you:

"Human trafficking (sexual, domestic, industrial, and agricultural) is a 32 billion dollar per year industry, bringing in more revenue than the NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB combined." (United Nations)

"Human trafficking is the fastest-growing criminal industry in the world." (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services)

"There are nearly two million children involved in the international commercial sex trade." (UNICEF)

"161 countries out of 192 are involved in human trafficking." (United Nations)

"80% of all trafficking victims are women and children who are forced into the commercial sex trade." (U.S. Department of State)

"The average age of entry into commercial sex slavery in the United States is 13." (U.S. Department of Justice)

So, my friends, as we enter 2012, the reality of this issue needs to rise to the forefront of our hearts and minds.

We are attending an Abolition Summit right now hosted by Exodus Cry, a ministry here in Kansas City. The awareness and equipping we are receiving is phenomenal and the opportunities for people to get involved in helping to stop human trafficking are vast. Check out this link here.

May God break in this year to put a complete stop to human trafficking world-wide, and may we join Him and His heart in this justice issue!

Monday, January 02, 2012

It's a new year!

I purposely chose GREEN for my font for this entry (sorry if it is not green on your screen) to symbolize NEW LIFE for the NEW YEAR!

It's 2012, and as Paul and I sat yesterday and contemplated our goals for the corporate Daniel Fast that our church family is in Day 2 of right now, I was struck afresh by how much I need God and how much I lean on my "crutches".

Some of my crutches are obvious: coffee with cream, a slab of meat of any sort.

Some are less obvious: distractions of games on my new iphone, time spent on my computer.

Yesterday was a bugger of a day weaning myself off caffeine. This morning is a bit better, but it's funny because I'm not craving the coffee so much, but rather a warm drink to warm up my insides. Gonna have to figure out a warm drink I can enjoy during the Daniel fast.

Why fast? There are books written on this topic and I certainly won't do it justice here, but as many in this neck of the woods state: "Don't fast until you can't stand not to fast."

We all want breakthrough in our lives - you name the area, someone wants breakthrough there. However, do we want more of God just for the sake of having a deeper relationship with Him and not for anything He can give us? For us, this fast is a both/and. First, depth with God, realizing His tremendous love for us, commitment to us, desire for us to enter in to His presence, AND cry out for His intervention in key areas of our lives where we need His direction.

I love the physical cleansing of the body that takes place as well...toxins out and vitamins in....the coupling of the physical and spiritual brings full health and wholeness.

More than anything, we pray may His heart be our heart in this new year, and may we hear His voice and live accordingly!