Saturday, November 26, 2005

Thanksgiving thoughts

I was teaching on Thanksgiving Day this year....just as I have for the past 6 years here in Hungary, as this is an American holiday not celebrated here. Many always ask me if I miss celebrating Thanksgiving. I'm getting used to it....of course I miss the turkey, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce, etc., but then I get to spend the entire week talking about these yummy things in my classes at school. I also get to teach the REAL meaning of Thanksgiving....not that the Pilgrims were "thanking the Indians", which they were, but ultimately, they were thanking the God of the universe. Yes, I have the freedom to teach that here without getting into trouble! I then get to have my students write down 5 things they are thankful for; Hungarian students are pretty much the same as American students I think: "I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my pets, my home." Some of the more revealing thanks included: "I'm thankful for my faith in God; for my grandmother who came and took care of me after my surgery; for the fact that I have a place to live and don't live on the streets; for my best friend who is always there for me when my family is screaming." So, each year, I grow more thankful that I actually teach on Thanksgiving, because I get the blessing of learning more about my kids here. I'd still love some good cranberry sauce, but maybe I'll get some of that at Christmas time!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Helping or hindering?

There is an incredible power in words. As James said, our tongues are powerful tools, which can be used as weapons or as means of healing. I've experienced and extended both, and at this point in my life, I don't have time for stinging words, intended in some strange way to "bring healing", but which only continue to exert power and domination. For me, Ephesians 4:29 is vital in every relationship: "Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only that which is helpful for building others up according to their need." Here's the tricky part though: what I believe will build someone up may not do so, and visa versa. When that person shares that I have hurt them with my words, I must be quick to apologize, ask for forgiveness, and seek, in the future, to build that person up according to his or her needs, not according to my perception of what his or her needs may be. Of course this can only be done in the power of the Holy Spirit as He reveals what the needs of that person are and what words will bring healing and will minister deeply to that person's needs. Lord, make me teachable, humble, able to hear Your voice, that the words I speak would build people up and not tear them down. Help me to die to myself and to live only for You, to walk in the power of your Word, hearing Your voice alone, speaking only that which You want me to speak in order to meet the needs of those You have put into my life. May I be willing to hear the rebukes of a friend, repent, ask for forgiveness, confront, rebuke, and grant forgiveness in every situation in my life. More than anything, Lord, let me walk so closely with You that any competing voices would be silenced, and we dance together to the melodious music which You have written for my life. Amen.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Hungarian funeral

Today I attended my third funeral during my 5 1/2 year life here in Hungary. My 71 year old neighbor, Etelka, died and I and all the neighbors attended her funeral. Etelka lived with her daughter in the flat next to mine, and I learned just yesterday that they had lived together for 31 years. So Kati, her daughter, is feeling a tremendous loss. We all are. Despite the fact that 80% of the time Etelka was complaining about some physical malady, she was a "tough old bird", weekly bringing the laundry outside to hang in the sunshine. She took excellent care of my cats, and they are now letting Kati know how much they miss her by sleeping on Etelka's bed when they go to visit Kati. Funerals here are different than in the U.S. There is real closure here.....everyone walks to the gravesite, the body or urn is lowered into the grave, and the gravediggers shovel the dirt on top of the urn or coffin. Many may shudder at the thought of hearing the "THUD, THUD, THUD" of the dirt, and I shuddered when I heard it the first time 3 years ago, but the reality of ashes to ashes and dust to dust, and the finality of physical life is experienced in this ceremony. Following the burial, the gravediggers place all of the gorgeous flower arrangements that people have brought on top of the grave....a colorful display of life emerging from the grave. I will miss the last 4 months, she was always wanting to give me a hug....I think she needed some extra love these last few months. I pray she is basking in the eternal loving arms of Jesus now!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Learning curves

What an interesting week it has been. Exhaustion is an interesting place to be. In it and through it, I know God is working on my behalf, for His glory. Romans 8:28...... To borrow a quote from a friend: "I know that unless the Lord moves, my efforts are wasted." This resonates deeply in my soul as I am in a stage of resting; I know that there are deep, significant, life-changing lessons the Lord wants to teach me through this time that are going to radically change my life. The process may not be fun, but if anything can change me to be more like my Savior, then the journey is worth it.

Monday, November 14, 2005

learning how to say "no"

Last Friday, it hit me: "I'm tired!" Not just the end of the week kind of tired, but the REALLY tired kind of tired. So, this week, I'm not doing much....working, but nothing extra. I've got to take some steps to get rejuvenated, revived; the batteries are empty and in need of charging. It will be an interesting journey, learning how to say no, learning how to REST, but it has to be done. God is good. My Bible study girls are taking over; they are ready and want to lead. God is good.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Party evangelism

One of the girls in the high school/university Bible study told us a story tonight about a party she went to during the fall break. She noticed the guy who was taking pictures at the party was wearing a W.W.J.D bracelet (What Would Jesus Do?). So she walked up to him and started talking with him. Well, others nearby overheard their conversation and after a while, 5 of them went off to a quieter part of the room and sat down to discuss spiritual things! This young lady was so excited to be able to share her faith in Jesus with these others, who were very excited to talk about their various philosophies of life. "I couldn't believe that here we were at a party and talking about faith! It was so cool to see that Jesus even shows up at parties!" I then tossed out the question to everyone at Bible study: "If Jesus were here in the flesh, where would he be hanging out?" Answers: probably at the bar, at the bus station, talking to the homeless people, he'd be in the hospital. May we be where Jesus would be!

Monday, November 07, 2005

ups and downs of life

I just enjoyed a wonderful week away in Croatia, mostly spent enjoying the seacoast. Some of the time was spent with friends; part of it was spent completely alone. I left exhausted; I returned to Hungary quite refreshed. I am back in the thick of things here, and one of those "things" is the death of my neighbor's mom, which happened last night. I remember giving her a hug goodbye before I drove off to Croatia. I remember thinking, "I hope she is still here when I get back." She has been quite ill recently. I learned today that she left this world yesterday. I am grieving as both she and her daughter lived in the apartment next to mine, and I will miss her smile and the way she dearly cared for my cats. As I got in the car tonight and checked my phone messages, I got a message from a dear friend here whose baby girl was born this afternoon!!! Luca is her name, and while she is 3 weeks early, she is healthy and fine! We prayed for a 4 hour delivery and she came in 2 1/2! The ups and downs of life; they just keep on coming, don't they?