Thursday, April 25, 2013


We have a drain in our driveway that collects the water from rainfall as well as from the sump pump and sends it through a long underground pipe into the backyard.  For the past couple of weeks, we've noticed that it's overflowing, causing flooding in our driveway and flowing into our neighbor's driveway, littering it with dirt and wood chips.  

I kept thinking, "Oh great, we're gonna have to call someone and have them do a major job of fixing this drain."

This morning, as I was sitting on the front porch and hearing the gurgling, watching the water pour out and over to our neighbor's driveway, I thought I would lift the grate and see if I could figure out the problem.  When I lifted the grate, I was greeted by a huge pile of leaves, dirt and worms!  It was a simple fix:  clean out the blockage.  The second I pulled out the junk, the water flowed normally.

No more more blockage....removing the junk....what a life lesson.  What junk do we have in our hearts that is creating a blockage, which creates a mess in our lives and in the lives of those around us.  As I looked at the junk, I thought, this would make great compost for our garden as the worms squirmed around in the leaves and dirt.  So, I tossed it in the garden, realizing that that which caused problems can be turned around to bring life.  

Friday, April 12, 2013

God's design

Two days ago, my husband Paul made the comment, "Shouldn't our asparagus be coming up by now?"  

Curiosity got the best of me and the next morning, I ventured out to our garden to look for asparagus.  I'd just cut the old, dead winter stalks down the week before and was a bit discouraged as it appeared that maybe our crop had died out.  Imagine my excitement when I found three heads of asparagus poking up through the wood chips!  

I love God's designs in nature....things "die" in the winter time, and He resurrects them in the spring to feed His children in the summer and fall.  And as we learn to steward the harvest during the fall, we can be well-fed through the winter and spring months. 

If I didn't have to have a paying job, I could very easily live on a small farm and garden, have animals, and of course a retreat house and ministry center where people could come to be healed, refreshed, restored, equipped and sent out again.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Entering the new month of Iyar

We are on a tremendously exciting journey into the heart and timing of God.  According to God's calendar, we are entering the month of Iyar (Ee-yar) and here are some of the admonitions:

  • This month is linked with light, which signifies increased revelation.  Light is the opposite of darkness.  If darkness tries to overtake you, this month say, "No, I am increasing in revelation."  Isaiah 60 says that the glory can be seen on you and radiates off of you.  This is the month you need to light up with His glory.
  • In Iyar, God revealed His covenant secrets.  He is our healer, He is our provider, He is our banner of victory over every enemy.
  • Biblically, this is the month of natural healing.  That's not the same as miracles.  god wants to permeate the body with natural healing.  You do not need to strive for healing.  "I am the Lord your Healer."  (Ex. 15:26)   (From A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce)
As I continue to walk in God's timing, I am seeing His face more and more and experiencing the presence of His Spirit to deeper levels.  Even so, I have barely scratched the surface to know this amazing God!