Tuesday, December 09, 2014

DoTerra Essential Oils

My newest adventure!  Yes, I have been using DoTerra essential oils for over 2 years, but only recently have begun to dive into the business side of things.  Why?  Don't I already have many things on my platter?

Yes....I do....however, DoTerra is well-worth pursuing!  Why?



Helping people who are desperate.

After seeing someone who drank contaminated water for 3 weeks come down with 7 different life-threatening diseases LIVE and not die (as was thoughts she would) as a result of taking DoTerra essential oils, I am convinced that this is the way to go!  Of course I still believe in doctors and traditional medicine.  It's not an either/or question but rather a both/and situation.

I cannot say enough good things about this company, their integrity and ethics, and my team!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014


It's that time of year again!  Time to get a flu shot.  


Have you ever stopped to ask yourself:  "Why am I giving in to public pressure to get a flu shot?"

I am not saying that people shouldn't do it; what I am saying is this:  please consider looking into using therapeutic grade essential oils as an alternative to synthetically generated drugs.


First, essential oils are NATURAL.  In fact, people used these down through history to treat illnesses, and the Bible is FULL of examples of oils being used.

Second, they go to the cellular level and do not simply treat symptoms.  

Third, when you use the purest forms of essential oils, i.e. those which are created from plants grown in their native environments, you are using the most potent forms of the oils possible.

So, in order to face flu season, my husband and I are taking our DoTerra On Guard beadlets every morning.  On Guard is a blend of oils that builds the immune system of the body.  What a better way to face this season of germs!  

Have a look here to find out more!  Arden's DoTerra Website

Contact me with any questions!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A wonderful teaching on Sodom and Gomorrah

Good morning!  What follows below is a teaching from a friend of ours here in KC.  His name is Alan Lee, and his knowledge, wisdom and insight on the Word of God are enough to make anyone stop and think.  Ponder the following today:

A couple of days ago I was watching a video on you tube on how the TV is programming our society. I have always known this, but it never struck me like this until now.
Thank you Abba for peeling enough layers off in my life, over time (gently & mercifully) to make me open and sensitive to some of the stuff that's really going on out there!
Yeshua said, as it was in the days of Lot, so will it when He returns. I've always been taught, since I was in HS (back when the dinosaurs used to roam the earth) that the world is like Sodom and Gomorrah and that's a pretty good indicator that Yeshua is coming back soon.
In Genesis 18:21, Yahweh Elohim says,  "I will go down and see if they have at all done according to the cry coming to me.
Why would a cry go out? I thought they were eating, drinking and marrying and having a good ole time. As in the days of Noah, the days of Ezekiel and the days of Jonah, a cry went up to the Lord.  He heard it and decided to bring judgment upon the earth.  But unlike our mistaken ideas about Sodom’s sin, the cry God heard was not about sexual immorality.  Our Sunday school stories do not teach the real sin of Sodom.  It was not homosexuality, lasciviousness, lust or any of the other sexual perversions.  It was far greater.  And it’s all wrapped up in the Hebrew word tse’aqah and its companionze’aqah.  The first word is found in this verse (cry) and the second in the previous verse,18:20 (cry), but as you can see, there are two different words in Hebrew.  Nevertheless, the impact of these two words melds into a single offense so great that God brings wrath upon those who embrace them.
What does tse’aqah and ze’aqah mean?  They describe the anguished cry of the oppressed, the agonizing plea of the victim for help in some great injustice.  This ismoral outrage at the total disregard for human compassion and civility.  This is the very opposite of what any human being would consider justice.  This is not simply dishonoring Yahweh.  This is dishonoring our own kind, a wanton display of human insensitivity toward other human beings.  If you want to see what this looks like, you do not have to descend into the brothels or the porn shops.  You can watch the news about “racial cleansing” across the globe.  You can recall the history of the Holocaust or the actions of Pol Pot.  You can realize that we live in the most brutal, most inhuman, most despicable century that the world has ever known.  And there is no evidence that things will improve.  The potential genocide in the name of Allah that lurks on the horizon has the possibility of making all other acts of cruelty pale by comparison.  The destruction of human beings in the name of religion, politics and economics makes us all look as though we not only live in Sodom, but that we have also expanded its city limits to the edge of the globe.
Do we really think that Yahweh will not repeat His expunging wrath on a world gone mad with the lust for power, possession and personal gain?  Do we really believe that He can find ten righteous man among us?  It is a very frightening thing to contemplate.  How long God’s mercy will outweigh His judgment is a gambling bet no man should ever want to take.
So, push aside the idea that Sodom was about sex.  Sexual perversion was only one of the symptoms of a culture that cared nothing for those who could be used and abused.  Ezekiel lays the blame right where we need to hear it: 
“Behold, this is the guilt of your sister, Sodom.  She and her daughters had pride, were more than full of food, and prosperous case, but did not aid the poor and the needy.  They were haughty, and did abominable things before me; therefore I removed them, when I saw it.” (Eze. 16:49-50) 
What does God see today?  What are you going to do about it before He comes down to see if the cry is great from all humanity?
It's time to act!

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Catching up!

I can't believe I've let this much time pass since the last time I blogged.  The excuses are a-plenty, but rather than going down that path, let's just jump back into blogging.

Life in my world continues to be exciting and ever-changing.  Not only am I teaching adults ESL two nights a week, but also another conversation class to adults on Friday mornings.  In addition, the Lord has richly blessed me with 9 private students this fall.  

A friend said to me:  "You may not be going to the nations, but God is bringing the nations to you!"  He certainly is, and I love it!  

I have 11 different nations represented in my evening classes, 8 different nations in my Friday morning class, and amongst my private students, I have 3 Chinese students, 1 Hungarian, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Taiwanese, 2 Brazilians, and 1 American.  

God so knows my heart and how much I love internationals!  Each day is a kiss from Him through these individuals.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Challenged to love

We all need love.  Many of us long to be loved and long to love.  Hollywood tries to define love, but most of the time, their perspective is far from the reality of what love really entails.

Love means dying.  Dying to self, dying to 'my way', and dying so that others may live.  Death is never pretty, nor is it easy.  Not too many people would sign up for love if they opened the dictionary and the definition read:  Love:  death to self and making choices to see others' needs met.

Anyone who has walked in loving relationships knows that the ooey-gooey pictures painted of love are not really, well, shall we say, real?!  Indeed, love is a many splendored thing, as the song goes, but we sometimes forget that love is a choice.  Sometimes that choice is painful and feels like the one doing the loving is somehow being cheated in the 'deal' we call relationship.  

That's the cost, though, for true love to grow.  Seeds are planted in soil, watered, and they break through the shell and become what they were intended to be.  So too with love.  It's a seed that has many factors working on it and seemingly against it, but when it blooms, it is beautiful.  Along the way, though, there are cuts, trimmings, and dry times.  In the end, however, the fruit of love is sweet and life-giving.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Getting healthy!

HEALTH FACT: Learn to do stretching and exercises when you wake up. It boosts circulation and digestion, and eases back pain. http://ltl.is/QCEUi

Friday, July 11, 2014


A gem has dropped into our laps.  His name is Alan Lee, and he is an amazing teacher.  Each Wednesday night, we are blessed to participate in an outstanding learning experience with him.  Not only does he implement all facets of teaching strategies, but also the content, Hebrew and Torah, are being brought to life.  

In addition to his weekly teachings, he sends out daily e-mails of study and encouragement.  If you are interested in receiving his e-mails, leave a comment on this blog.  Here is a sampling of one of his recent e-mails:

One of my my most favorite statements of Paul's to not like very well is 2 Cor. 4:17 where he expresses our present challenges are just momentary and light affliction that we are currently going through in order to produce for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison! I don't know what his time frame is when he speaks of momentary, but when I think of some of my time frames it seems like a whole lot longer than 'momentary.' That’s the real problem, isn’t it?  Our present experience just seems so permanent.  We see heartache, persecution, disaster, despair and death and it just seems so permanent.  Hurricanes that tear lives to pieces in a day.  Wars that seem to never end.  Poverty perpetrated from generation to generation.  How in Yah's name can Paul even suggest that this is light, momentary affliction?  It doesn’t seem momentary to me.  All I have is seventy some years to deal with it and it feels very permanent.  Listen to me, God.  I just can’t hold my breath for seventy years and pretend that it will all be better in heaven.  Paul might have been able to keep his eyes fixed on the invisible reality behind the trauma of life, but I’m not so sure I can.
If we think that Paul was a stoic, blocking out the death and destruction of his world by staring toward the pearly gates, we are sorely mistaken.  Paul knew the hideous side of life far better than most of us.  How could he have such a different perspective when he rotted in prisons, was beaten black and blue, starved, tortured, insulted and ridiculed?
He chooses the word parautika.  An adverb to mean, “immediately, at this precise instant or what is happening right now.”  But here Paul gets creative.  Paul is a master linguist.  When he needs to express something that he just can’t find in the present vocabulary, he makes up his own words.  Here (and only here) he adds the definite article.  Literally – “the immediate, the present instant, the happening moment”.    Paul focuses our attention entirely on the second hand of the clock.  The world in the existing instant.  That’s where affliction resides.  In the next second of the clock.
All of my life resides in the next second of the clock!  That’s really all I have.  One second at a time.  Paul shines his linguistic light on this inescapable truth in order to demonstrate howtemporary it all is.  We never think of life as just one more second.  We focus our attention on much longer time spans.  My seventy years to make a mark.  My legacy.  My history.  It’s never just about one second.  Except for the logical truth that life is compressed into just one more second.  So, says Paul, throw that tiny, insignificant reality up against God’s everlastingeternity and then see what really counts.
Even in the worst of times, I can count seconds.  And no matter how many I count, they are miniscule compared to eternity.  “Just give me a second, Lord.  I’ll be right there”.  Yes, you will.
As I shared this evening at the Hebrew Lifestyle class, those of you who have Prophetic gifting are getting hit hard right now. Yahweh doesn't do anything unless He first reveals it to His prophets. Unfortunately, the "glamour" of the Prophetic leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to these momentary afflictions.
Hang in their gang! These Momentary and light afflictions are working for you a far more exceeding weight of glory.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

DoTerra Oils and ticks!

This morning, as Paul was preparing for work, he noticed something on the back of his leg.  Thankfully, instead of picking at it, he asked me to look at it.  Sure enough, it was a tick, fully embedded in his leg.

So, we did proper tick removal procedures...with tweezers, gripping the head and pulling firmly, successfully removing the entire tick, head and all.  Then we looked at our handy Modern Essentials book to see what oils may help.

I just praise God for these oils.  Lavender and Purify are the oils recommended by DoTerra to help support the body.  We will let you know how it all turns out!

Monday, June 02, 2014

Love and War Marriage Retreat weekend

Paul and I were asked to help facilitate a marriage retreat weekend this past Friday night and Saturday all day.  10 couples gathered to watch and discuss John and Stasi Eldredge's DVD called Love and War, based on their book by the same name.  

We gathered at a hotel near the KCI airport, and it was a divine appointment with many couples opening up and sharing the depths of their joys and their pain.  

Marriage is hard work, and our time was encouraging because we realize we are all in this together, a community, cheering one another on and providing the support all of us need. Probably the most significant lesson learned is this:

Your spouse is not your enemy!

The devil is your enemy!

Satan is out to steal, kill and destroy...especially marriages. That covenant bond is something he hates and wants to destroy.  

Interestingly, now he is choosing another tactic:  distorting marriage.  He's introduced a "new" way of looking at marriage rather than the way God intended it to be between a man and a woman.  So, the assault on marriage in the realm of the spirit is at full-throttle.  

Weekends like the one we just experienced are crucial for couples to learn how to partner together against the true enemy of their marriage.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why I have chosen Thrive

Some people may wonder why I have chosen to jump in with both feet into a company that specializes in freeze-dried foods, rotating shelving units and emergency supplies.  The main reasons are:


Please follow THIS LINK to check it out for yourself!  I've not met ONE person who doesn't like Thrive foods.  

What would you change if you learned ¼ of your food budget was going straight into the trash?

American households throw out a shocking 25% of their food on average—over 30 lbs a week!—and most of it comes from foods that spoil before they ever get to the plate.
That’s an average $2,000 a year families fork out on food that never reaches the fork!

Here’s how you’ll get some of that $2,000 back with THRIVE

No more rotten food
No more dealing with perishable foods that spoil, mold, or get freezer burn. THRIVE won’t go bad on you in mere days—no returning from vacation to a fridge of stinky food.

Pay for what's edible
You only pay for the usable parts of the food with THRIVE; no paying by the pound for produce when part of it isn't edible!
No excess
No need to buy food and see the excess go to waste—just scoop out what you need, when you need it.

Long shelf life
THRIVE foods have an extended shelf life of up to 25 years—even after opening most are good for 1–2 years!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm getting a divorce....

Yes, you read the blog title correctly.  I am getting a divorce.  It has been a long, hard struggle, with many ups and downs, but the time has come and the decision has been made...I am moving forward into freedom.

Now, before some of you pick up the phone to call me or jump on Facebook to see if I've changed my relationship status, and before others of you come running over to my house to try to talk me out of getting a divorce, let me explain.  If, after my explanation, you still want to call, please do...I would love to hear from you.

I'm divorcing all the things that I have been married to for years, and some, for decades.  Somewhere along the journey of life, I came into a "loving" agreement with fear, anxiety, mistrust, and doubt.  Daily, on many levels and in many ways, I heartily agreed with, partnered with, communicated with, and united myself with these unworthy partners, who brought nothing but compromise and destruction into my life.  So, today, I am getting a divorce.

You see, being 'married' to fear has permitted the tentacles of all of fears' sisters and brothers to grab on to parts of my soul and even my body, with the goal of enrapturing me with their deception and lies...promising great things and delivering nothing.  So, I'm divorcing fear, and in doing so, divorcing all of these other manipulative minions that will no longer be given access to my life, my heart, my mind, my well-being or anything else in my life.  

The terms of my divorce are non-negotiable:  no longer will I be bound because "It is for freedom that Christ has set me free!"  (Galatians 5:1)  So I am standing firm and will no longer be enslaved by the aforementioned things.  No longer will fear of man enslave me and cause me to say that something is "ok" when it clearly stands against the beauty of God's created order.  Therefore, my divorce means that the acts of the flesh are cut off from me:  sexual immorality (every form that God's Word says is wrong is wrong), impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like. (Galatians 5:19-21)

My divorce is final.  Please do not try to convince me otherwise. The only thing being wedded to the aforementioned minions has brought is twisted thinking, confusion, compromise, misguided decisions, and death to my very soul.  Please don't worry about me...you see, my divorce is bringing me freedom.  

Now I can walk in the fruit of the Spirit:  LOVE, JOY, PEACE, PATIENCE, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS AND SELF-CONTROL. (Galatians 5:22-23)

In this month of Adar, I am CELEBRATING this divorce, the ending of being unequally yoked to fear, anxiety, mistrust and doubt.  I am FREE and my divorce papers have been signed in the blood of Jesus.  

Now, who wants to call me and try to talk me out of my divorce?  By the way, Paul and I are happily married, and each day, we delve deeper into the joys and rewards of marital bliss, centered on Jesus!

Monday, February 17, 2014

The month of Adar

We have been on a journey with our spiritual family here in Kansas City for nearly 2 years now.  What I can liken the journey up to this point to is having been on a wonderful adventure through hills, valleys, up and down mountains, fording streams, climbing trees, digging ditches, growing weary, being rejuvenated, growing weary again, questioning lots of things and experiencing God's grace along the way.

Where we are now I can liken to having "finished" the previous adventure as we came to a cross-roads and had to choose between continuing on the same path, or embarking on a "new" path, which really turns out to be the Ancient Paths...the paths God has been leading us to all along in His perfect timing.  

We chose the Ancient Path...we chose to follow Him into His calendar, which is the lunar calendar, and we chose to align ourselves with His days, weeks, months, seasons and years.  I've known God is an orderly God, but our journey into all of this has uncovered an orderliness to God and a syncronicity that has brought about a peace, a settledness, a joy and challenges like nothing ever experienced before.  

We are smack dab in the middle of Adar I in the year 5774, and I could not be more excited about what God is doing and how He is transforming my thinking, my life, my heart, my soul, and our marriage.  The word Adar means "strength", and this is a month to get into the celebration mode of ending certain seasons of our lives.  It's also a month to overturn worry and root out depression and despair so faith can break through into our thought processes. (From A Time to Advance by Chuck Pierce).

Of course there is much more to this month, but these are the things that God has highlighted to me and is speaking to me about through His Word, the Bible, and in our prayerful conversations together.  This is a key month because what is broken off as well as what is set in place in our lives in this month will set the stage for the rest of the year.  

I've found that in my life and sometimes in my interactions with my fellow believers that we are "excited about this next conference" or "can't wait to hear this speaker come to our church"; we go, we listen, and then what?  We talk about it for a while, maybe apply some of the principles, and then we are looking forward to the "next thing".  I'm not saying those are bad things, but when I read Scripture, I don't see that being the primary mode of operating in the early church.  

The early church, and the pattern set up there was first about loving God and loving our neighbor as ourselves.  Also, as we look at the whole of Scripture, the first "church", so to say, was God, Adam and Eve in the garden.  Throughout the Scriptures, home is and was the center of spiritual life.  Our western culture has moved it outside of the home an into a building where we "go" to get fed.  Meanwhile, the enemy has wreaked havoc in the home, destroying families and the home structure so we look to "St. Elsewhere" to be our "spiritual home".  

Can you imagine the transformations that would begin if home became the center of spiritual life again, and every time someone walked in your home, the first thing they said was, "Wow, there is such peace and joy here!  There is such a sense of rest!"  

Just this weekend, an old friend came to our home for an appointment with another friend of ours, a naturpath, and this old friend stayed after her appointment just to hang out and talk.  The Lord was so present in our time together as we shared, laughed, cried, encouraged one another; she made mention of the peace in our home.  That is God's presence, and nearly everyone who walks through our door makes a comment about how peaceful and restful our home is.  

I am not poo-pooing "going to church"...no way.  We still gather on Sunday mornings with other believers, but that is not the "mainstay" of our spiritual walk, nor are we "dependent" upon it.  I think of the plethora of nations where the only place believers in Yeshua can meet is in homes because it's illegal to meet publically.  Stories of exponential growth in the Body of Christ are pouring forth from those nations.  

I'm just excited to share that as we walk out God's calendar, His ancient paths, celebrating what He has deemed important to celebrate, we find Him.  What more do we need?

Thursday, January 23, 2014

How significant is water?

We all know that we can survive many days, even weeks, without food.  However, we cannot survive very long without water.

The people of Charleston, WV have a new perspective on the reality of the need for clean water after the recent chemical spill into their river and water supplies.  What many may not know is the pandemonium which erupted as people flocked to stores to stock up on water; news media outlets kept that rather quiet.  

This ARTICLE gives a more balanced picture of what took place and also encourages people to plan ahead.

To that end, have a look AT THIS LINK where you can easily find top of the line, tested products that will be shipped directly to your door.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to be a blessing to our families and to others?

Friday, January 17, 2014

The times.....

A couple of days ago, I was reminded of a poem I wrote in 1985 after I'd visited the former Soviet Union.  We'd spent 11 days playing basketball and "touring", during which time, this naive 21 year old, was shocked by the limitations people there lived under.  It's one thing to read about communism and socialism and quite another to experience it first-hand, even as a "tourist".  

In the poem, I reflected upon sights, sounds and smells, and the last two lines read:

I never knew what freedom was
Until I saw what it is not.

Those same words flooded my being this week as I read about our nation's freedoms slowly being whittled away.  The tell-tale sign in the former Soviet Union of freedom being gone was the rise and promulgation of atheism.  

When a nation turns its back on God, freedom, in the truest sense of the word, flies out the window.  May we learn from other nations' mistakes and turn back to God in America!

Monday, January 06, 2014

DoTerra Essential Oils

My husband caught a cold...and we are treating it with lots of liquids, rest and DoTerra Essential Oils!

WOW, what a difference these oils are making in his recovery.  We've heard of people suffering for weeks with this junk and he is coming around today after just 3 days of intensive treatments with eucalyptus, OnGuard, Lemon, and Lime, primarily.  

Check it out here:  Arden's DoTerra Website