Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Suggestion for economic cutbacks in Hungary....

I just learned something almost disturbingly laughable this evening from my friend who is a 4th year medical student here in Hungary.

The hospital here has a number of patients IN the hospital, taking up beds, whose "illness" is......

obesity.......yes, you read that correctly.........

people are admitted to the hospital to stay for 2-3 weeks simply because they are obese.

The logic, according to the doctors, is to teach them how to eat properly. And this cannot be done on an out-patient basis? They have to take up a bed for a couple of weeks in the hospital? I'm no doctor, but probably the last thing these people need to be doing is lying around in a hospital bed! I would think they would need to be out walking, or swimming, or maybe on a treadmill...but lying in a hospital bed?

I think the Hungarian government could save a bit of money by not hospitalizing people who are simply suffering from obesity....



Katie B said...

Wow, I agree that is quite laughable. Last week I included in my presentation on healthcare in Hungary that Hungary has more than twice the number of hospital beds per capita as the U.S. Now I know why...

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

ARE you kidding me about that fact? Can I blog about that? That is incredibly laughable as well! How are you doing? :-))))

Bende, Zoé or Abigél said...

Totally not surprising that they do. In the US, if you have a normal childbirth, you are out of there in max. 24 hours, here you spend min. 4 days in the hospital. And you aren't even sick!

Katie B said...

Yes, it's true about the number of hospital beds. I got the stats from the World Health Organization. It is also true that the average length of hospital stay is longer in Hungary. You're welcome to blog about it if you want. I am doing great, keeping busy with my last month of rotations before I graduate!