Friday, March 06, 2009

Blogging, Birthdays and Facebook

Well, anyone who is on Facebook and is my friend knows that today is my birthday! I've received a plethora of sweet, wonderful, heartfelt wishes from people around the world...and I am humbled.

I don't really pay much attention to my birthday...and sadly, I forget other people's birthdays....sorry about that. Truly I am because on this day, as people remember me, I realize how important it is and how encouraging it is to send just a couple of words of love to those we know!

So, thank you, from my blogspot, to those of you who have sent me wishes. And, much grace to those of you who didn't cuz I, like you, get busy and I forget people's birthdays! :-) You are released!!!!

I get to celebrate my big day with some friends this weekend....we are going to Gyula where they have thermal baths, one of my favorite things to do in Hungary! I'm sure there will be lots of laughter, relaxing, and good food!

Another year of adventure is in front of me...can't wait to see all that the Lord will bring my way...lead on Lord Jesus!!!!

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