Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 lessons left

Today, it dawned on me that I have just 2 lessons remaining this year with each of my two senior classes! We have an extra-long spring break this year, and when we return, we have just 2 weeks remaining til the seniors start their final exams!

This has snuck up on me quickly....here in Hungary we teach a group of students for 4 years, so relationships are strong between teacher and student...usually. My 12a class and my 12b class are both very precious to me. I've seen them grow like crazy in their language acquisition, but even more importantly as human beings.

So, what will we do the last two lessons. Well, baseball is on the agenda....and I'm not sure what the other lesson will entail. Probably some tears....

1 comment:

Joanna said...

awww. thankfully i have seven lessons left with mine ;(. praying for you!