Sunday, March 01, 2009

Signs of Spring and good friends!

Eva Szegedi and I have been friends for years! She is finishing university AND Bible school in Budapest this spring. She is a precious woman of God with a heart for evangelism and seeing people meet Jesus personally!

Ah, yes, another confectionary here in Szeged! We love our coffee, tea and cakes!

Early signs of Spring.....these pictures show an outdoor market on one of the main squares in downtown Szeged. Booths have been set up and people are out and about, albeit still in their winter coats, perusing the items for sale. Maybe this is one way Hungary is trying to jump-start their economy!

Booths on Klauzal square at dusk.

Winter this year feels like it has hung on for far too long. People are itching to get out and do what europeans are so good at doing: walking, gathering at outdoor cafes, letting their kids run and play in parks, and enjoying being outside in the fresh air with family and friends!
I met my dear friend Eva yesterday for some retes (like apple strudel) and as I walked to where we would meet, hundreds of people were out in the park, on the main walking street, in spite of the chilly temps, which are actually quite warm compared to the past 2 months! The tell-tale sign that spring is just around the corner was birds singing happily in the towering trees surrounding the park, their voices drowning out the chatter of families enjoying the late afternoon hours of sunshine!

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