Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Working out

I am loving the YMCA here in Missouri! It's small, a great mixture of people show up on the days I work out, and the pool...while much warmer than the one in Szeged, so it is a JOY to jump in and do laps!

You may ask, "Why this sudden working out so diligently?" Well, my father has invited me and my brothers to go helicopter skiing in Canada in January! That's not just a walk in the park type of skiing! We're talking the helicopter flies you to the top of a mountain and drops you off (with a guide of course), but there ain't no lodge half way down and this is serious powder skiing on serious mountains. Therefore, we've gotta be in shape!

My 79 year old father is going to the gym 3 times a week, as is my younger brother, who has never worked out in his life up to now, and I too am hitting the gym 3 days a week. Today, as I was doing my stomach crunches, I got to thinking about having a goal, like this ski trip, and how we need goals in life. Not just goals in the natural, but in the spiritual as well. Those goals are not more programs or Bible studies or events...those goals were set up by God Himself:

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law rests on these two commands." (Jesus)

Enough said....

Oh, on an unrelated note, I have figured out who the Milwaukee blog reader is...and I have only one thing to say: I forgive you and I bless you in Jesus' name!

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