Friday, September 04, 2009

MJ is here!!!! As are the praying manti!

Mary Jill on the front deck of my house in Kansas City!

We arrived home from the prayer room to find that my bug light had worked at keeping most bugs away, but had attracted these HUGE praying manti!

Just LOOK at the size of this praying mantis! He's as large as the number!

I was almost late to the airport to pick up MJ! Well, truth be known, I was late...she was hauling her luggage outside as I came walking in from the parking garage! But SHE'S HERE and we are already having a great time!
And we were welcomed home at night by this lovely praying mantis! Well, my house is a house of rest and refuge and it has been prayed up! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey girls, lots of love and hugs and puszi from me. have a GREAT time with Jesus at IHOP! pepus