Friday, September 11, 2009

MJ's visit

MJ working on her computer!

Toby is letting MJ know she cannot leave!!!!

MJ got reunited with her friend, Louana, from Iowa!

Avi Lipkin, who travels the world and speaks to Jews, Christians and anyone who will listen! Wake up folks!

My dear friend, Mary Jill, and I had a GREAT week together during her visit here in Kansas City! Of course the week FLEW by and I was very sad to see her go, but we were so very blessed the whole time!

She got to meet some of my friends, go to many different "events" here at IHOP, enjoy meeting old friends who are also here for their years' sabbatical, and catch up with other friends from Iowa! MJ is the networking woman!

We got to go hear a very profound talk given by a man named Avi Lipkin, a Jewish man, born in the U.S. but now living in Israel, who gave so much information that I took nearly 10 pages of notes! His message was a wake-up call and a reality check.

Now I have about two weeks to "relax" before my 3-month intensive internship begins. However, the curve ball just thrown at me is that the paperwork for my new car has gotten lost in the mail...why DO people send important papers regular post? Lord, find the papers...

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