Sunday, September 06, 2009

My first party in KC!

The gang: Arden, Mary Jill, Jill, Kendra, Julie, Marcie, Joshua, Nyla, Ginny and Peter!

Peter's loving the salad!

Joshua and Mary Jill!

Nyla and Jill!

Jill, Ginny and Marcie!

I know, I know, I'm supposed to be on sabbatical and resting. What? Throwing parties is not resting? Well, it is in my book! We had a BLAST on Saturday and my friend Mary Jill Callery got to meet some of my new friends here in Kansas City, and I got to meet some of MJ's friends who served on the foreign mission field for 25+ years and are now doing their sabbatical here in Kansas City as well! How amazing that God causes all our paths to cross and we can enjoy an afternoon of FOOD, fellowship, laughter, prayer and love amongst friends!

I was trying to explain to Mary Jill that this party would be a bit different than what we have been used to in central and eastern europe. You see, Americans show up on time, you have to have things ready on time, and they stay two to three hours at the most, unlike in eastern europe.

So, guess who was gone after three hours, and guess who stayed for EIGHT hours! You guessed right! The Americans who live here in KC left "early" and the eastern european missionaries hung out til 8 p.m.! :-)

I'm just thankful to have a wonderful home where I can entertain many guests! God is good ALL the time!

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