Thursday, January 15, 2009

Friend street......and my best buds!

Simon in front and Toby behind....a peaceful moment between friends!

Friend Street!

I took a walk in the fall and came across this street sign. Translation: "Friend Street". I thought it would be cool to have an address on Friend Street.

The other picture is one of my best buddies in life...well, of the animal kingdom. Toby and Simon rarely sleep this way together cuz Simon is just plain mean toward Toby and usually chases him away from where HE wants to sleep.

Toby, on the other hand, is friendly with EVERYONE! He loves being the center of attention when I have guests, and he loves a houseful of people...that means more strokes!

Simon runs from everyone, even me most of the time. He will show up when HE wants to show up, and that's usually when I'm chilling on the bed.

Opposites...from whom I can see such human characteristics...we have to put up with both kinds of friends, don't we?

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