Sunday, January 11, 2009

Excellent sermon

I listened to a sermon online by Bill Johnson out of Redding, CA. A point he made jumped out at me and had me thinking and praying for quite a while.

His point is in connection with dealing with offense. i.e. when somebody hurts you in some way and you take offense. (He was talking about believers dealing with other believers.)

"Where we have to go with God, we have to go there clean, without a spirit of offense. Today, though, anger and resentment often masquerade as a passion for holiness. People are washing their hands as fast as they can so they have no association with that fallen individual. They are somehow wanting to cleanse their name from any connection to that person or those people. This is a frantic thing to appear clean, when Jesus did everything BUT that."

As I allowed these words to penetrate my heart, God reminded me of this verse:

"They will know you are my disciples by the way you love one another." (John 13:35)

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