Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Cutting grass

I absolutely LOVE cutting grass! I cannot remember the last time I got to cut grass, so today was a BIG day for me! The grass in our back yard area of our building has been needing cutting for months....finally, the building bought a lawnmower, and I got the privilege of cutting the grass this afternoon!

I love before and after pictures, like the ones above...difficult to see, sorry. As I was cutting, I had to stop quite frequently and empty the collection "bucket" on the back of the mower. If I didn't empty it, the mower wouldn't work properly and grass shavings started to collect underneath, eventually cutting off the motor. As I dumped the cuttings into the pile, I realized how much it's like our lives and how the Lord works. He's got to cut away things that are keeping us from being His beautiful children...and we've got to dump those things which will keep us from being sharp and even keep us from functioning properly. It's a regular process of cutting, cleaning and being made fresh by His Holy Spirit, if we are willing to allow Him to take his "mower" to our lives. The end result is ALWAYS beautiful, even if the process may be a bit challenging!

1 comment:

Mary Jill said...

Ahhhh, I see and how is your cutting process going :-) Keep it all oiled w/Holy Spirit :-) Love,