Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some Intro folks

I thought tonight I'd "introduce" you to some of the people in my small group who are in the Intro program. There are 80 people in Intro, so they have divided us up into small groups.

Intro is such a wonderfully diverse group of people from all over the U.S. In my small group we range in age from 60+ down to 18. We've got 5 married couples and 5 singles. One couple has served as pastors in a church in Colorado for years. Our 18 year old young man JUST gave his life to Jesus about 7 months ago, has no Bible knowledge whatsoever, but is a worshipper of God like I've not seen in a LONG time! He's so hungry for Jesus, is drinking in everything and is soooo open to all that God has for him! He's become like my younger brother, and I know the Lord has knit our hearts in a special way. Another couple has 8 children and are completely walking by faith to be here and be provided for! I could go on and on...

The stories of how the Lord led each person here are incredible. I am humbled to be here, and so thankful!

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