Sunday, October 18, 2009

The positive and the negative

Here's a very positive, encouraging story I heard on Saturday. A soldier in Iraq reported that they were trying to tune in their internet with a satellite dish when suddenly, a girl in a baseball cap singing worship songs came on. They were all intrigued and very encouraged by the music and wondered, "What IS this?" They discovered it is the Prayer Room here in Kansas City, and the girl in the baseball cap leading worship is Misty Edwards. This soldier, who has lost 60% of his company in Iraq, leaves every morning not knowing if he will return. The prayer room music is now playing 24/7 in their barracks in Iraq and giving incredible encouragement to all of the soldiers!

Here is a negative, disturbing story: All public school students in California are going to be forced to celebrate a new holiday celebrating a famous gay man, and students must take part in all celebratory activities in school. Parents do not have the option to have their kids "opt out" of this celebration.

A rather disturbing thing has just been stated by the "Safe Schools" czar: The problem in our schools today is heterosexuality.

Lastly, in Houston Texas, a 7-story abortion clinic is being built with the 3rd floor set apart for late-term abortions.

As you can see, things in the U.S. are on a downward spiral, but there are glimpses of some positive things that are impacting people around the world!

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