Thursday, October 08, 2009

The past three days....

Have you ever been someplace where you hear three incredible testimonies from three different people and all three life-stories bring you to tears?

Tuesday, we heard from a gentleman who was BORN in a Nazi concentration camp right near the end of WWII! This messianic Jewish man has had a life NONE of us would ever want or even wish for anyone. The theme of his message was FORGIVENESS. As he told the story of his life and all the abuse and torture he endured, he would stop and ask: "Could you forgive these people?" "Could you forgive?" Over and over and over again: "Could you forgive?" This man KNOWS about forgiveness and the freedom it brings. By the time he finished, I don't think there was a dry eye in the room of 80+ people. A few people were rather audibly sobbing, and as he began to walk around and give people hugs, those sobs increased as the flood-gates of forgiveness began to be released in people's lives!

Yesterday we heard from a man who was delivered from homosexuality and healed from years and years and years of abuse and confusion. Today we heard from his wife of 21 years, who was delivered from her life of homosexuality and radically healed from more abuse than anyone should have to endure. Between them, they have 4 precious children and an amazing ministry of inner healing, where God's love and forgiveness is at the forefront!

I was telling a friend today, "you know, I didn't plan to spend most of these three months crying!" God is so touching my life and the deep parts of my heart, bringing healing and restoration to deeper and deeper "onion layer" levels. I would not trade this for anything!

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