Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wedding in Sweden

Just call me the traveling queen! I arrived this afternoon in Szeged from Sweden, where I attended Erik and Sara's wedding! I will post pictures here once I get back to the laptop, sorry.

Was fun to be in Sweden...I wondered why I arrived so early...Friday morning...and now I know. I spent the day with about 5 other people working in the kitchen and the reception area getting things prepared for the wedding reception. I and another woman became experts at making wild-flower center pieces for tables. Various other tasks included making the gravy sauce for the lamb, as well as other jobs which popped up throughout the day! It was a fun way to be involved in the wedding of two dear, precious friends!

The bride was always...and the groom calm, cool and collected.

I learned a LOT about Swedish culture and people and am most impressed by the fact that EVERYONE speaks English fluently!

It wasn't until after midnight that I understood that Sara and Erik BOTH have a new last name....right now, I cannot remember what it is, but I have the program, so I will post it later.

Now back in Szeged for 2 and a half days and will be flying with cats and Eszter to the U.S. on Wednesday. Blitz trip, but worth it!

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