Monday, August 17, 2009

Overflowing with joy and completely humbled

These are times when I wish I could put a picture on this blog.

Laci....Albert friend, a precious young man of God who I met when he was growing up in a children's home here in Szeged, Hungary. I've written about him before, but bear with me because I know this post will bless you.

I got 30 minutes with Laci yesterday...the most life-challenging 30 minutes I've had in a LONG time. History: When I first met Laci in the children's home, he was 15, sporting a purple mohawk and pretty strung out on drugs. My thought was: "he'll never be interested in Jesus."

God's ways are COMPLETELY different than ours...I repent for ever thinking that someone is beyond God's reach. Not only did God grab a hold of Laci, but really, he is the ONLY one from the children's home who is running HARD after God now!

I've written before...he is serving on the worship team in his church, he is passionate about prayer and worship and evangelism.

Yesterday, I met with him and some friends for ice cream...but Laci is fasting, so he just had something to drink....he started seriously fasting on a regular basis about 3 months ago. His life is being radically transformed. God is downloading revelation to him every day. He is FULL of the fire of God and it is evident in his eyes! He will start a 21-day Daniel fast the first of September. I sat there humbled by this young man so passionate to draw closer to Jesus. But what he shared with me next humbled me even more...

"When I fast, I take the food I get at this place I go to eat and take it to the homeless guys at Mars square...and I also take the money I would spend for meals and go buy food for those who really need it. I also sit in Mars square or in the park and read my Bible and pray and God just fills me up with His fire, and then people come up and I get to tell them about Jesus! God is showing me that it's all about GIVING....He calls us to give! He's blessed me with a job now and a place to live and now I'm in a position in my life where I can give instead of just receive."

Needless to say, I had a pit in my stomach...conviction from the Holy a time when economies are collapsing and some people are saving and keeping things for themselves, here is a 25 year old young man who so much has the heart of God beating in him and through him that all he wants to do is GIVE, GIVE, GIVE.


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