Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Near death.....

Nice blog title, huh? Well, I nearly lost one of my death that is. Yep, Wednesday morning, after giving Toby the sedative medicine the vet gave me for them to travel, Toby collapsed, went stiff in his legs, stopped breathing and his heart stopped!!! My neighbor Kati began massaging his chest and calling out to him to wake up...I thought the medicine was just kicking in, til I looked over at Simon and he was perfectly fine...and then I picked Toby up and realized he was no longer about scary. I prayed, shook him a bit, massaged his chest and stomach, called his name...and he woke up! Omigosh, what a scare! Well, this set the tone for the trip....I didn't sleep at all and was very concerned about Toby the entire trip back to the U.S.

Well, that was the last and worst thing to happen because we made it here just fine with much favor from the Lord.

And right now, Toby is wandering around his new house, after having eaten and gone to the bathroom in his litter box....I think he's going to be ok. Now, will his 'mom' be ok????

Simon traveled well......and is curled up in my closet in the corner behind the laundry basket.

More travel adventures tomorrow after I sleep! Whew, 26 hours of travel...........with

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