Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Packing, saying see you laters and loading up the cats

I'm in the home-stretch now of my time in Hungary. Wow. Feels strange, but at the same time, good and right.

Now the most difficult goodbye for sure...my neighbor, Kati. She is a precious friend who has been God's gift to me all these years. Not only did she watch my cats for me over the course of 9 years every time I travelled, but also brought me food, and was just the BEST neighbor ever. I'm very sad to leave her...and she is very sad I'm leaving and taking Toby and Simon with me. However, she already has 3 other "replacement" cats hanging out in her garage. :-)

I pray for Kati and will continue to do so...she is a JW and pretty entrenched there...may the love and truth of the Lord meet her where she is and draw her to Himself with grace, truth, mercy and love!

Tomorrow at 5:15 a.m., I will be giving Toby and Simon their "calming medicine" for the trip...I pray it lasts long enough to get them to Kansas City....join me please in praying! It's so strange that they have NO idea what awaits them tomorrow. But in reality, do WE really know what awaits us tomorrow? We THINK we do...we have plans...appointments...calls to make, work to do, friends to meet....but everything could change in a heartbeat...which makes me ask myself, and you few blog readers, how are you living today? Are you blessing those around you? Are you praying for those whom the Lord brings to your mind and heart? Are you loving those who come across your path, no matter who they may be? I'm asking myself these questions too, don't worry. May we live each day as if tomorrow may not ever come...or may be drastically different than today. Each day is a gift from the Lord....so I'm going home now from the internet cafe to spend some time with Kati.

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