Friday, March 10, 2006

Socialized Medicine

Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate the socialized medicine in Hungary. I have had to have 4 MRIs since I've lived here, and one major surgery, plus a plethora of doctors' visits for various illnesses, and it has all been FREE!!!

However, today was a case in point why some people don't really care for socialized medicine. I was sent to the neurological department at the "New Clinic" by my family have certain hours that you can go there, so I went after teaching this morning, arriving about 11:45 a.m. I knew I was in trouble the second I turned the corner into the waiting area of this department. There were probably 15 people sitting there waiting to be seen. I handed my paperwork to the nurse on duty, and she said, "You are not going to get in today. There are four serious cases inside already and all these people'll have to come back next week; the best day would be Wednesday or Thursday."

Now, I don't have a serious problem...but what if I did? This is a definite drawback in socialized get seen in the order you arrive...the early bird gets the worm, so to say; or you snooze you lose.

Sometimes I wonder how all these people get all this time off from work in order to sit in line to see the doctor....

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