Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Anyone who has lived overseas, far from friends and family, knows that receiving a package in the mail is like a cold drink of water on a sweltering day.

I was expecting a package from a good friend today. The secretary in the school knew it, and when she came walking in the English staff room with a small package in hand, I nearly jumped out of my seat with joy!! Yet as I looked at the return address, my heart sank; it wasn't the package I was expecting. However, my joy returned immediately as I realized that THIS was a package I'd been waiting even longer for, and had nearly forgotten!!!

Of course I ripped it open and pulled out the book and two CDs I'd ordered a long time ago, thrilled, and feeling very loved that another good friend had taken the time to send these to me!

It's the little things that can be water to the soul, the small gestures, the kind word, the gentle touch, the long hug, and the time taken to send a friend far away a package to make her smile! (And I can still look forward to the other, much anticipated package!)

Every day, if we are willing to take the time, there are "packages" to be opened if we simply open God's Word. Some of those "packages" are much anticipated, and others are surprises, but ALL are nourishing to the whole person, body, mind, soul and spirit. Gotten any good packages lately?

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