Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Foggy vs. Clear goggles

It's still COLD here in Szeged, so trips to the swimming pool are not very fun just yet. However, I dragged myself there again yesterday, and once again, the Lord graciously chose to teach me something. Even though it took me 200 meters to get rid of the goose bumps, I'm thankful for the lesson about foggy vs. clear goggles.

I've blogged about this before...being able to see clearly...but yesterday, the Lord gave me a new chapter in the goggle lesson book. At about 400 meters, my goggles are getting quite foggy, and I notice that I begin to swim with more caution; I'm not so sure about "where I am or where I'm going"; gotta look for the wire above so I don't slam into the wall as I do back stroke, etc.

As soon as I stopped and cleaned my goggles, a renewed sense of confidence, power, and swimming ability fell over me!!! I can see clearly now and I want to swim hard, fast, and well! When the goggles are foggy, I swim with hesitancy, caution and definitely at a slower pace.

What dawned on me yesterday is what a picture this is of a life in Christ. How many believers in Jesus are living lives with foggy goggles..."swimming" along, able to "see pretty well", able to "be in the pool" and "do the strokes", but cautious, still a bit fearful, wondering if they're going to "slam their hand into the wall" because it's "just not clear" what the Lord is up to?

On the flip side, how many believers in Jesus have stopped, taken off the foggy goggles, allowed God to clean them, and now "swim" with renewed confidence, strength, hope, joy, peace, boldness, and faith because it is very clear WHO the Lord is and that He is always up to His good work in our lives and in this world? www.ceokids.org

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