Thursday, February 12, 2009

Where I will be in 6 months

Here is a worship service on Saturday night.

On the back wall, which is to the far left of the picture, there hang flags from all the nations!

This is the outside of the global prayer room, which has been engaged in 24/7 worship and prayer since 1999.

This missions base is growing quickly...on this trip I learned they are now doing inner healing and deliverance ministry and have begun a world missions school, in addition to the orphan ministry I already knew about. So, my three "heart-loves" when it comes to ministry are being developed and growing here at IHOP.

Some people are starting to ask where I will be doing my furlough in the U.S.

I will be in Kansas City, MO, close to the International House of Prayer, Kansas City. Why there? It is a great place to 'rest', get rejuvenated in the Lord, be around internationals and others who have a heart for the world, seek the Lord and His next station for me, and whatever else the Lord may have for me there! I hold my time there with an open hand, desiring to surrender completely to the Lord and His plans for me!

I look forward to having many visitors!

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