Friday, February 27, 2009


Bela, a man being led by God! He faithfully attends ICF on Friday nights as well as hosting a home group each week of people from his church and neighborhood!

Last night, I was invited to share at a "hazi csoport"...home a suburb of Szeged, called Szoreg. Bela and Bea, good friends, host this group each week. Sorry, no pictures from the evening. Most of those who attend are members of Sion Church, a church I used to attend here in Szeged, so it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and be together once again.

My wonderful and faithful friend, Eszter, came too along with her husband, and she served as my translator, which is just so much fun because we truly are sisters in the Lord and in His Spirit.

I'd thought there would be a number of non-believers there, but it turned out there were only two, so I pretty much chucked what I'd planned and instead shared from Luke chapter 4. This is where Jesus is FILLED with the Spirit after His baptism, then LED by the Spirit into the wilderness, and then afterwards, returns to Galilee in the POWER of the Spirit. we respond to temptation in our wildernesses is crucial in coming out in the POWER of the Spirit!

More importantly, it was wonderful to see these Hungarians continuing to meet, encourage one another, love one another, be unified in the Spirit, and continue to cry out to God for His revival in this nation! How wonderful would it be if all missionaries in all countries were indigenous people?

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