Monday, February 09, 2009

Confused? I'll fill you in......

Ok, I realize that some people out there might be a bit confused. So let me bring some clarity to the situation.

First, yes, I am still in Hungary, teaching and doing ministry with some special women and helping lead an International Christian Fellowship!

Second, yes, this is my last 1/2 year in Hungary. This has been brewing since January of 2008. Of course the Lord could bring me back to Hungary, but we'll see.

Third, yes, I am returning to the U.S. for a season of furlough/sabbatical time. Yes, I am still a full-time missionary while there, and with where I am going, I will have to learn to say NO during my "rest" time because there are soooooooooo many great opportunities to serve in various ministries!

Fourth, yes, I will be living very near the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, MO. In fact, 1.5 miles from the "main building". IHOP is a fantastic place to rest and live before the Lord in an atmosphere of worship and prayer, seeking God for His next station for me!

Fifth, Yes, I've bought a house, as I see this place as a 'home-base' from which the Lord can send me anywhere He likes! My house is going to be a house of rest and refuge, with open doors to all who wish to come visit!

Sixth, yes, I am still 100% in Hungary, and pouring 100% into life and relationships here! Having been here nearly 9 years (11 if you count the early 90s), I have precious friends I will have for a lifetime, I'm sure! Plus, there is much I believe the Lord wants to do in the next 5 months here!

So, hopefully this clears up some questions and gets you as excited as I am about what is next on God's agenda for me!

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