Thursday, August 07, 2008

Where is our strength?

My nephew, Ollie, and I had a couple of moments of clowning around and in the pictures above, you can see each of us "posing" as "strong individuals", having climbled and conquered the peaks in Torocko, Romania. We were feeling really great as we headed down through the forest...and then we began to slip and slide along the very muddy trail, losing our footing at least twice each and ending up with muddy back sides. The strength and confidence we had at the top was quickly fading, and by the time we were walking the road back to our pension, we were pretty beat. We needed rest and refreshment, and a good shower!

Where do we as believers in Jesus find our strength? Where do we get rest? Where can we find refreshment? Where can we take a good "shower"? The Psalmist David knew exactly where his strength lay: in the Lord. Numerous times throughout the Psalms we read that "The Lord is my strength", "He is my strong tower", "I will rest in the shadow of His wings", "He alone is my hope and my deliverer", and on and on...

Jesus talks a lot about water...the living water...He is that living water, pouring into and through every believer who has made Him Lord of his/her life in the person of the Holy Spirit! As we sit in the presence of God and allow Him to "shower" us with His unconditional love, grace, mercy and kindness, we are strengthened and revived after the slips and falls and challenges. The challenge is looking to Him alone for that strength...we can so easily look to people, methods, things of the world, jobs, relationships, hobbies or even Christian activities to give us strength...none of them will provide the true and lasting strength that only the Holy Spirit can pour into us as we rest in Him and allow Him to fill us up!

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