Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cleaning out

Eight years ago, when I moved to Hungary, I put a LOT of belongings in storage in a friend's brother's basement. Today, I went there and filled a car FULL of what I will call "unnecessary" items...those things that can be easily replaced...pots, pans, glasses, pillows, sheets, towels, etc. It felt GREAT to take these things to the Salvation Army and make a donation of good things for someone who really needs them!

Some may ask why I'm doing this. Simplicity. Weeding out things I really don't need and getting down to the core of personal belongings! I still have quite a few boxes...books, journals, pictures...but it felt good to clean out and trim down.

God often wants to clean out the stuff in our lives that we may "think" we need, but we really don't...when we finally let go, there is such a relief and weight that is lifted off.

For those keeping up with my U.S. trip via my blog, tonight, I'm going to a Bible study group meeting of some folks from Christ Community Church here in Charlottesville. Looking forward to reconnecting with this small group who welcomed me last summer and have been praying for me and Hungary this past year!

I have a breakfast meeting, lunch meeting and dinner meeting on Friday...whew. Saturday, I'm heading to Washington, DC for "The Call" to join thousands of others in fasting and praying for our nation!

Busy but great times!

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