Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back in Hungary

Miraculously, bags are unpacked already! I'm back home in Hungary after 26 hours of travel on FREEZING COLD airplanes. You know it is cold when nearly everyone on the plane is putting on coats, hats and huddling under blankets...not sure why it has to be THAT cold on the plane.

My last day in the U.S., which was also my travel day, I was blessed to be able to meet 3 friends in Atlanta during my 7 hour layover. We enjoyed lunch together and catching up "in person" on what's happening! Bless you dear ones for being God's gifts to me!

School begins tomorrow....nothing like hitting the ground running! It's good to be back, to see my boys, and I'm looking forward to all God has in store for this next year!

1 comment:

Mary Jill said...

Welcome Home!!! Look forward to seeing you soon. Love, MJ