Thursday, August 11, 2005

Word of the day!

ceo for the kids
I wish I could say that I am learning really cool words every day....well, I am, but not off-the-wall strange ones. However, I have learned a very useful one.....BOLHA.......which means "FLEA".....yes, those things you find on your dog or cat, which make them itch like crazy. This particular word brought back memories from 12 years ago, when I first moved back to the U.S. after having spent 2 years in Hungary. I arrived at the house which two friends of mine and I had bought together 4 years earlier. One of my friends had a dog....when she left, she took the dog, but left the "bolhak".........and THEY were looking for fresh meat.....ME!!! I remember being sooooooooo tired, it being late, and I had to lug ALL my luggage back out of the house and to a friend's house for another couple of days while we de-fleaed the house. There is a great spiritual lesson in this for me and maybe for some of you as well. If we leave the bolhak in our lives to fester (sinful patterns and giving in to the flesh time and time again) and reproduce, we are going to have nothing but trouble, and we will be destructive to others as well. Allow the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit to come in and clean house so that we are a blessing and the sweet aroma of Christ to those who come in.

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