Sunday, August 28, 2005

Being blessed by saying "No"

Some folks from Zion Church organized a "sports day" in the park across the river yesterday afternoon. Those of you who know me well are thinking, "this is right up Arden's alley....of COURSE she will be there in the middle of it all!!!" Indeed, I went, but once I got there, and realized a dear friend of mine was not there....her kids and husband were zest for sports waned, and I decided to spend the time in what I would consider a "more productive" way....for me at least. I said my hellos and goodbyes to those about to embark on hours of sport competition, and made my way back to my friend's flat, where we enjoyed the afternoon on her balcony getting caught up on our summers. What a treasure that time was for me, and I think for her as well. I'm sure the sports day was great, building relationships with folks, but God has me in a place of nurturing relationships rather than starting and building. And in nurturing, it means at times saying "no" to what I might naturally like to sports....and "yes" to more intimate time one-on-one with a friend. I truly didn't miss playing sports yesterday....what a good God we have to bless us when we say "no".

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