Monday, May 03, 2010

Thoughts from Sunday's service

Home-run hitter Stephen Venable brought truth to us again this Sunday from the pulpit. Here are a few thoughts which are worth pondering:

"In order to understand night and day worship both now and at the end of the age, we must see that God's chief end in all things is His own glory."
"The fact that the concept of a global worship movement is often met with such indifference and skepticism reveals: 1) How deeply disconnected we are from God's ultimat purpose; 2) How deeply we misunderstand what man was created for; 3) How little zeal we have for His name."

"The thought of a worship movement is so irrelevant to us because the infinite worth of Christ hardly shapes our reality."


Anonymous said...

I wish Tina Burch would forgive me, she can preach it but walk it?

Then again everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege of life...

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...

Hello Anonymous! I have to assume that you have approached Tina in person, asked for her forgiveness and she has said to you directly, "No, I won't forgive you." If this is indeed true, then I am so very sorry and that is not right at all. Now you will have to simply forgive her and bless her for not forgiving you.