Thursday, May 27, 2010


The river of God flows "forward"...if you focus on something that happened up river, or stay in that place of obstruction, then you get caught in a cesspool; meanwhile, the river keeps on flowing without you!

Over the past 2 1/2 years, I have walked through the pain and disappointment of former friend's choices. The most recent has been very challenging: what do you do with a person who outright refuses any loving gestures or acts of kindness toward them? How do you continue persevering when a person is pretty much cold-hearted?

The answer: FIDO.

Yes, FIDO...

I repeat, FIDO....

Thanks Ed, for teaching me: Flush It and Drive On!

You may say, "but where is the love in that?" Return to the first lines of this blog. Have you ever seen an eddy in a river? Or a cesspool? I was nearly caught in an eddy on a raging river...people DIE in eddys! People drown! People can get diseases in cesspools because that's where all the bacteria and disease lurks and multiplies. These are places where the water refuses to leave, where the junk collects, where those who refuse to deal with their "stuff" get stuck, and sometimes they just want to stay there, mind you, for a number of reasons. Mostly, it is fear. And there is only one cure for fear: God's love. His perfect love will cast out all fear.

So, for now, I FIDO!

However, because these precious ones mentioned above are children of my heavenly Father, I am called to love; and I do. I forgive, bless, and love them. However, I am moving forward in this wonderfully raging, exciting river of God, which brings lots of laughter, excitement, joy, freedom, new scenery, and most importantly, LIFE!

The Lord has sooooooo much for each one of us! May we never again get caught in the eddys of life or find ourselves in a cesspool...STAY IN THE RIVER, and do not fear, for the Father is the river guide!

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