Thursday, June 18, 2009

packing, sorting, tossing and finding!

As I was going through books, I found one I'd read long ago by Floyd McClung entitled "Father, Make us One". I did what I sometimes do and just opened it to a random page. Here's what is on that/those two pages:

"As Christians we may often idealize fellow believers in the same way, putting them on pedestals, only to be hurt and embittered when they fail to match up to our expectations. We must come to the place where, in an attitude of love, we can embrace one another while still acknowledging one another's faults. Refusing to accept each other in this way may well lead us to becoming the policemen of the church----judgemental and critical.

In our relationships with other Christians, we often lose sight of this principle. We are busy trying to bring conviction to those we do not agree with, or to those who have some obvious fault or weakness that we feel needs correcting. But instead of helping, we bring strife and disharmony.

It is essential that love takes prime place in our relationships. Where there are differences, we must reach out in love to our brother and allow the Holy Spirit to do his convicting work in both our lives. He, after all, is the only one who is able to do this justly, since he knows the thoughts and intents of our heart." you ever just open a book and something jumps out that is exactly what you are going through or have gone through and there are the words? This was my experience a couple of days ago with these words. I could have opened to ANY page...but here lay these words.

And so, I'm now deciding whether to pack this book in my suitcase and take it with me to the U.S. :-)

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