Monday, May 18, 2009

Celebrate Jesus - The Book by Joanie Lipis

If you have a bit of time, read the very encouraging letter below from my friend Joanie Lipis, who recently published a book which many believe is going to be monumental!

One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness.

Spring 2009

The year was 1990 when I first preached from Psalm 145. I was about to graduate from seminary, and was praying for God’s direction. The leaders of two Jewish evangelism ministries had counseled me to allow God to raise a new ministry. They said that my age and experience would not render me “moldable” enough. Consequently, I asked God to confirm their counsel through the message of Psalm 145 and the response of the congregation. He did, and the rest, as they say, is history.

From that time onward, the above verses burned deeply into my heart. You see it on our ministry logo as well. Fundamentally, the driving passion of my life is to see radical sinners become radical worshippers.

I remember vividly how the Lord Jesus challenged me about my motivations for ministry. I was on my knees weeping over the condition of the lost. I sensed the voice of the Lord saying, “Do not weep for them…weep for Me!” From that moment onward I knew that God’s heart longed for loving worship from His redeemed children. His broken heart was my motivation for evangelism.

Somewhat later I sensed the Lord speaking an assignment to me. At the time I couldn’t understand when He said, “Feed My sheep.” How could I do both? How could I feed His sheep, which I understood to be the saved (both Jews and Gentiles), and reach the lost? They seemed to be contradictory assignments.

Until now…until Celebrate Jesus!

The reality of this truth crashed upon me last week.

The church is being fed as the “dots” of the Old and New Testaments are being connected.

Worship is being released as the church worships according to God’s calendar.

Culturally relevant opportunities are being created to reach the Jewish people.

At the same time, Celebrate Jesus! has already proven to be effective in evangelism to the Jewish people, particularly Israelis. Recently I was able to give the book to an Israeli sales person (at the mall – where else?). He was fascinated that I was an Israeli citizen and even more so that I had actually written a book. “Of course I’ll read it with an open heart AND tell all my friends.” That was before he saw the title of the book, but Israelis know the power of a promise!

Affirmations continue to confirm and affirm:

Pastor Cloyse: “I’ve been in full-time preaching ministry for 50 years, and finally the dots are connecting. Everyone who loves God should read this book

Pastor Dwight: “I’m almost through, and this book is superb. I’ve never understood the feasts, so I’ve ignored them in my teaching.”

Pastor David: “I’m so excited. The book is so easy to read, and I’m learning so much.”

Editor Tim: “This book has the potential of changing the way Christians worship.”

Joan B: “My church needs something to bring people together. New Moon events will be perfect to accomplish that.”

Mary: “Now I have a tool to use with my Jewish friends and neighbors.”

In other words, Celebrate Jesus! is a resource for evangelism and discipleship. Already two Bible studies based on the book have begun. Five young people from Europe received Jesus as their Savior after a home meeting in which I shared the message of Christ through the feasts.

To say that I’m surprised is an understatement! After years and tears of crying for renewed vision, structure and strategy (filling the earth is a big assignment), Celebrate Jesus! seems to be the answer. And let’s be completely real; this is nothing I could have planned and is waaaay out of my comfort zone and FAR BEYOND my ability. It is truly a “God thing”.

So now what?


Returning home as soon as possible is my heart’s desire and longing. God has repeatedly assured me that Israel is my home. Being an Israeli citizen has enabled me to be a witness to God’s faithfulness and the veracity of His word. Living among my people empowers the reality of being a Jewish follower of Jesus. What surprises me is this “sudden” yearning to live in Jerusalem…probably the most spiritually intense AND expensive city in the world.

Although the dollar has regained some strength against the shekel, rents and prices continue to escalate. At the same time, real estate prices have begun to drop, making this an excellent time to purchase. Another option is living in a communal situation for provision and protection. Some friends are seeing the wisdom, albeit challenge of such an option, but have been unable to find suitable rentals.

I sense I’ll be back home by the end of the year, but must wait until the cloud moves and God gives a clear signal that “NOW” is the time. I will probably return for a short season in August, to reconnect with friends and congregation, and to begin downsizing my belongings still in storage. Then I shall return to the States in the fall for an extended book tour before returning home “for good”.

War with Iran seems imminent, but then we’re always on the brink of war. The prophetic voice coming from the Land, is that our new government is in a holding pattern sizing up the new American administration. In His sovereignty, God is moving nations and people into alignment, that His will be done.


Accomplishing the huge task of marketing the book, is another reason why my time in the States has been longer than I expected.

The challenges of self-publishing were immense. But nothing prepared me for the challenges of marketing – getting the book into people’s hands!

So the task at hand is building a firm electronic foundation (web sites, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (I think), and blogs), which will attract the attention of the internet community AND communicate with all known networks of friends and associates, for opportunities to minister. All appropriate ministries will be contacted (Messianic, family and home-school sites), as well as people in positions of influence. Marketing is a bit like evangelism. I must do the sowing and reaping, but God will bring in the harvest.

I keep reminding myself (no comma) that it’s not the book which is being promoted, but (eliminate “more importantly”) the message – celebrating Jesus through God’s feasts. There is great relevance, importance and significance of the feasts in the lives of all believers. To accomplish that will necessitate my doing some traveling. It appears probable that will take place in the fall – at the time of the holidays

Stateside “furlough”

Restoration & Release.

Relationships long ago severed are now being cleansed and restored under the Shepherd’s care. God is fulfilling His promises of Psalm 30:11:

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; You have put off my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness;

I admit the journey is often painful, as emotions long-ago buried are resurfacing. This morning the Spirit reminded me, “God cannot heal what He cannot have.”

At the same time, the relationship with my family has deteriorated to the breaking point. Mom’s mental capacity is failing quickly although her body remains in remarkable condition for a 90 year old. Sadly, all communication with my brother and his family has ceased. Mom finally confessed, “It’s all about your faith in Jesus.” I suspected that to be so, despite their protestations to the contrary.

Spiritually, this is a new day of intimacy and restoration of my first love.

Personal health. Physically, my health remains good and strong. I am grateful for a good friend and advisor, who is a brilliant and always-available family doctor.

Housing and transportation. I am still driving a red pick-up truck, a gift from dear friends. It’s definitely a “guy truck”, although I’m getting accustomed to sitting above the rest of traffic. Because of the truck’s thirst for gas, I’m unable to take the extended road trips I long for (and need, to market the book.). Housing continues to be an adventure, as I am now in the 4th home in 6 months, excluding the months on the road to Colorado and California! Living with others has been a continual blessing, as I am greatly enjoying being part of family life
Novea ministries. It has been my desire to have a more “hands on” Board. Thus, we are in a season of prayer and recruiting of God’s men and women for a new Board of Directors. As the ministry expands its influence, there is the need for a larger team, for the practical running of the ministry. Specifically we need:

Media coordinator

Probably the #1 need is a communication and scheduling coordinator. As we face a national book/speaking tour, we need someone to take on this tremendously important task. God has someone “out there” whom He has gifted and appointed for this ministry. To that person, this daunting task would be a blessing.

If you know of anyone who might be interested, we can work out specific job descriptions.

Prayer Points

Team. Please pray for the existing team (names available on request), and for those God has appointed and anointed.

Equipment. With the increasing reliance on the internet, graphics, and media, my existing computer is insufficient. I’m asking God to supply:

A new lap top
Video camera
Photo Shop software
External hard drive
Translations. To reach the Jewish people with the message of Jesus in the Feasts, we need translations of Celebrate Jesus! into Russian, Spanish and Hebrew. Pray also for translations into Korean, German, and Japanese.

Support. God’s economy is different than the world’s. By the 4th plague, God had established a difference between Israel and Egypt. Therefore the Board is currently developing a new budget to cover expected needs in Israel, as well as the increasing demands of the ministry.

Opportunities to minister. At the moment, my schedule is very empty. Please pray for opportunities over the summer months, and as we begin to coordinate a fall speaking/book tour. The areas we are considering are: Texas, Florida, Georgia, Boston, Colorado, California, Oregon, and Canada.

Permanent housing in Israel. God’s promise to the Jewish people is to take and possess the Land. Renting is NOT possessing. A permanent ministry house will provide stability and refuge during these times of confusion and upheaval.

I wish thanking you personally were possible. Your love, prayers, and notes of encouragement mean so much to me. Being in the “Diaspora” (outside of Israel) often feels like punishment or discipline, but God’s goodness, shown through you, has made the difference.Please continue to hold me before the Throne of Grace that I might fulfill all His plans and purposes for this season and the next. These are exciting times and we all need to keep on keeping on.

All for the glory of Jesus and the salvation of Israel


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