Sunday, April 05, 2009

A new view of family life in Hungary

We hear stories, but until we hear and see it, we don't believe it.

A new family moved into the house in the yard of the building next to mine. Three young girls are constantly outside playing, yelling loudly, really loudly. I'm not sure how many adults live in the house, but they too are yelling, and screaming, and hitting one another. It's not pretty. The kids scatter when the hitting begins. I would too if I were them.

You hear stories of such families. When they are stories, it's 'tolerable' because it doesn't touch your life. When they become reality and they are your neighbors, separated by a high brick wall, things change. I've found myself getting can people treat each other this way? How can people yell, scream and hit one another and seem to think nothing of it? My heart breaks with sadness.

But then again, I'm not sure what is worse: the yelling, screaming and hitting, or those who ignore you, abandon you, want nothing to do with you, Both produce wounds that only one Person can heal.

There is truly only ONE hope: Jesus.


Mary Jill said...

Another sign you should leave?! :-)

Arden Campbell Czaszewicz said...
