Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Packing and my boys

Simon eating and Toby intrigued by the camera!


My boy, Simon, is not very happy this evening. He sees the pieces of luggage and he knows what they mean. Mom's leavin'. He has two typical responses...he either sits near me, follows me around the house and wants to be as close to me as possible, or he goes to the neighbor's house and completely ignores me, punishing me for leaving him.

Toby, on the other hand is fast asleep in the loft, seemingly oblivious to the packing happenings. However, tomorrow at 3 a.m., he will be vocal, expressing his frustration at my leaving.

Two cats. Two different responses. Two hearts that really DO feel absence, despite what many may say about felines. Simon will sit in the doorway until I turn around and say goodbye, and then he will turn his back to me and remain that way until I am out of sight.

They don't get it. I can't explain it to them. Oh how much like some people they are...some people just don't get it. It doesn't matter how much to try to explain 'whatever' to them...they interpret what you do or say as rejection, or maybe abandonment, or being mean. Of course my heart hurts when I leave my boys...they've been my faithful companions for over 10 years now, but Lord willing, I'm coming back in a couple of weeks and we'll have a sweet reunion. They will forgive me for leaving, Toby much more quickly than Simon, and we'll go back to life as we know it.

Wouldn't it be great if people could do the same...

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