Friday, December 05, 2008

Moving onward, upward and forward

The picture above was captured at the Christmas market in Dom square in Szeged, Hungary. I only noticed it when I looked up. Then it stopped me in my tracks and made me consider many things. First, if I'm always looking down at the ground in front of me, I'm going to miss out on things in front of me. If I'm looking at the things around me, I'm going to miss out on those beautiful things that are 'above' me.

We need, in our lives, to have a constant flow of looking up, side to side, forward, and even down (so we don't trip over something)...and not get hung up on only one view because ALL these views flow together in a tapestry. The only place we shouldn't look is's in the past, there's nothing to be done about it now, and moving forward into all that God has for us is vital to life growth! His desire is that we come up to where He is...and HE will give us His perspective!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at earth, that's what you get; look at heaven and get earth thrown in. - paraphrase of CS Lewis by TF