Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Thoughts on Freedom

For nearly 7 years, one of my cats, Toby, has "faithfully" awakened me at those wonderful hours of the morning when NOBODY wants to be awakened...3 a.m. 3:30 a.m.....he wants to be let out onto the balcony. About a gazillion times I thought about getting a cat-door, but never followed through.

Finally, about 3 weeks ago, I got the brilliant idea of cutting the corner of the screen in my kitchen window, a window which stays open most of the time, and lo and behold, I can now sleep through the night as my cats wander in and out through the screen flap! 7 years.....7 years....now when winter comes, we'll have to think seriously about that cat door.

Yet another freedom I've granted my cats is treks into the enclosed yard outside. Of course these are monitored excursions....either I or my neighbor, Kati, is with them, so that WW 3 doesn't break out between my cats and the neighboring 7 or 8 cats who come sauntering into this yard.

What has all this new freedom done? It's made my cats MUCH more peaceful and content! They are not chomping at the bit to get out of the house when I come home, but rather peacefully sleeping, either outside on the balcony, or inside on some comfy chair.

As we become more and more free in Christ, because it is said that it is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free, we, like my cats, can live as we were intended to live, as we were created to live, as we were destined to live, in the fullness of freedom, not bound by man-invented institutionalized regulations which have no biblical basis or at best are a twisting of a biblical guideline in order to limit rather than liberate in Jesus.

As my cats relish their freedom, I too relish the freedom God has given me and continues to give me to live in the freedom pulsing through me by His Holy Spirit.

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