Monday, June 11, 2007

Last week of school for 2007!

Anyone who is a teacher can relate to this blog. It's the last week of school...and the teachers are looking forward to the summer break JUST as much, if not moreseo, as the students!!! One of the many blessings of teaching English as a second language is that we get to teach American culture. And, of course, one of the most important things in American culture is BASEBALL!!! So, ALL of my classes, yes, every single one of them, will take to the "field" this week and play baseball, some for the first time in their lives! Today, we had 3 classes out in VIRGINIA style weather....i.e. hot and humid....trying to hit that ball and run those bases!!! My colleague, John, commented after one class, "This is harder than teaching!" I turned and said to him, "Yea, just imagine, when I was teaching in the U.S., I taught 25 hours per week in the classroom and then spent 4 months during the school year, 2 1/2 hours per day, coaching after school!" My question to myself today was: HOW DID I EVER DO THAT????
I have 11 lessons left to "teach" this week, and yes, every single one of those classes will step onto the baseball field and try their hand at batting and fielding! It's a great way to teach a very important part of American culture, and end the year on a fun note! However, I sure am beat at the end of the day! Pictures to come later!

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