Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I have a friend who has a "rule". That "rule" states, "No expectations." We've had a few discussions regarding this rule, and I want to start offering some thoughts from my perspective.

Quite honestly, I believe it is impossible to live by this rule. If someone asks someone to do him/her a favor, then that person has expectations that the person will follow through if he/she agreed to do that favor. If someone truly lives by this rule, then that person should never ask anything of anyone because behind asking something of someone is an expectation that that person will do what has been asked. And logically, this would contradict the rule that the person is living by. Bottom line would be that the person who claims to have no expectations should do everything he or she wants done HIM/HERSELF, then the only person he/she has expectations of is him/herself.

However, the dilemma that arises from that is this: the "no expectations" person does not honor other people and their gifts and abilities, and could even be said to dishonor others by not nurturing their abilities.

Personally, I have HUGE, GRAND expectations!!!! I expect my friends to be friends! I expect myself to be a friend to my friends! I expect HUGE things from God....He has made hundreds of promises and I expect Him to keep every single one of them because He is God!!! I believe the reason I can have HUGE expectations is because my hope, my faith and my trust is in the ONE who never fails, not in anything or anyone else. Therefore, I expect BIG!!!!!!

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