Thursday, June 28, 2007

On a Jet Plane....

I'm in the process of tossing the last things in my two large suitcases, and giving my cats their last hugs for 5 weeks. I'm heading to the U.S. where I will meet with family and friends and meet lots of new people as well, I'm sure. Leaving is always difficult for me...doesn't matter where I'm leaving from or where I'm going to, I simply don't like the leaving part. Both my cats have their backs turned to me as I'm typing this...their silent protest as I get ready to head out the door.
I DO have something HUGE to look forward to upon my return to Hungary...last night, one of my seniors...well, she's now a graduate...asked if we could sit down and have a LONG discussion about religion and faith! It all started when this group of students at their end of the year banquet asked me how I stay so young looking. I made my typical jokes, but then said, "Let me tell you the REAL reason: it's God in me who is changing me day by day!" Magdi is my student's name, and she immediately jumped on that which led to her request; so I promised her that when I get back, I'll call her and we'll sit down over chocolate chip cookies, and talk about religion and faith and God! She is sooooooooooo excited, and she has NO idea how excited I am too!!!

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