Monday, September 19, 2005

Refiner's Fire

They walked in discouraged. Hopefully, they left encouraged. I truly had nothing to give. But when the Holy Spirit falls, it's not us who are giving, but the Lord Himself. A full four months after an amazing conference here in Szeged, we are finding ourselves in the King's refiner's fire. Wisdom is needed to discern which are attacks from the enemy, and which are simply refining measures the Lord is taking in each person's life. A very wise friend recently shared with me that it is necessary for us to have 4 people in our lives: one "above" us to whom we can look for wisdom and guidance, for discipleship; one "below" us into whom we are pouring our lives (like a Paul to a Timothy); and two "next to us, one on each side" to walk alongside us in encouragement and accountability and deep friendship. If any one of these is missing, then the "cross" balance is thrown askew. I'm seeing in these people who've been so set free that most of them have really imbalanced "crosses"......there's little or no discipleship going on, in either direction, and relationships with those "next to them" only go so deep; no wonder they feel like they are flailing. Not only does God have people in His refiner's fire, burning off the dross, but people don't even have the basics about how to disciple or be discipled. It's an interesting place to be; Lord send your workers into the harvest fields, for they are white!

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