Sunday, September 04, 2005

Back in the saddle

I nearly shuddered when I realized I'm starting my 17th year of teaching!! I can still vividly remember my first year, teaching 8th grade middle school language arts in Orange, VA to kids ages 13-16. Now, I teach grades 9-12, and this year, I have 14 different groups of students during the course of a week. Some of these students I will meet only 32 times the entire year. I'm really excited to be a part of these kids' lives, and for them to be a part of mine. I believe this year, for the first time since having arrived in 2000, I have a new understanding of what my students are "going through" in my class. My experiences learning Hungarian this summer in a high level course have made me much more compassionate and caring toward those who may not "get it" the first time. May the Lord increase my patience and love for all of my students!

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