Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Making a CD

Probably only the musicians out there, a group I do NOT claim to be a part of, know and understand just how much work goes into those wonderful CDs we all pop into our discmans, car CD players and home stereo systems! My friend and sister in Christ, Zsuzsa, and I are working on a dual-language CD: 8 songs in English and 8 in Hungarian. Each of us wrote our songs (or rather received them from the Lord!) and now we are spending hours and hours in the studio working on a 16-song CD we pray glorifies Jesus and draws MANY into a relationship with the King of Kings. Today, after 2 1/2 hours of painstaking work, we finished 2 songs.....we have 6 completely, you can calculate just how many MORE hours we will need to spend in the studio finishing the other 10. But what joy, to hear God's word sung, His Truth declared! We pray we will persevere to the end, as it is easy to "settle" for what sounds "good" instead of striving to make it the "best" for His glory!

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